Chapter 10

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You took a shower and got ready for the date you choose a pretty but not overdone dress for a date and some shoes you weren't really the type of girl to dress so nice but since it was your first date with Taehyung you had to look good

You waited for Tae to pick you up but sure enough he came you heard a knock on the door you started to run down stairs you were hoping just to get the door and leave but of course it didn't go like that your mom open the door and of course had ask a question and told him things
Mom: Your taking my daughter on a date right
Tae: Yes ma'am I am
Y/n: mom w-
Mom: No I want to tell you something boy I don't remember your name but there rules
Tae: Yes ma'am
Mom: Keep your hand on her waist nothing below that I want her home before 11 and if you want to kiss her no tongue
That made you embarrassed at what she just said
Tae: Yes ma'am
Is all he could say
Mom: Ok sweetheart you can go now
Thank god your thought you grad Tae hand said your goodbye and run off into Tae car

Tae: I didn't know your mom was so over protective
Y/n: yeah sorry so where are we doing exactly
Tae: you'll see I think it pretty at night is all your gonna get to know
You drove what felt like forever but it was only 30min away and have way there he blind folded you
Y/n: is it really necessary to blind fold me
Tae: Yes because it will ruin the surprise

You wish you hadn't worn heels because you where at a beach and it was hard to walk in them on the sand nor was it comfortable
Y/n: How much longer do we have to walk my feet are killing me you whined to him
He didn't say anything but pick you up and carry you
Y/n: Taehyung what are you doing
Tae: you said your feet hurt what kind of guy would I be if I left you with your feet hurting huh
You just blushed and he could see it too

Tae: why do you look so cute when you blush that just made you blush even more if thats possible he just chuckled and he put you down and took off the blind fold you where speechless he had a whole table and set up and light it was really pretty
Tae: Do you like it your not saying anything so it kinda scaring me
All you did was nodded your head and gave him a big hug
Tae: I'll take that as a yes he smiled at you with his box smile

You both ate and talked you both decided to go on a walk along the beach but you took your heels off so you wouldn't complain he held your hand but you stop to look off into the ocean so Tae took the time to wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your head

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