I Don't Know What Real Love Is

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Before Jaime knew it, months had passed. The weather grew warmer and the flowers began to change. People spent more time outside and the B&B grew busier than ever. Bronn had taken to helping Scarlet around the farm, especially with Chief and Brutus. He even convinced Jaime to help. As the time passed and their days were filled, the two men were missing Westeros less and less. Memories of King's Landing and the war there were slowly disappearing.

Jaime was conflicted about it. While he couldn't deny that he enjoyed the work and peace of Savannah, he felt guilty. He was forgetting Cersei. Slowly but surely, his feelings for his twin were changing. He was beginning to see her differently. He thought about all the things that she had done and was probably still doing and he didn't like it. Jaime was starting to believe that Bronn was right. Cersei was horrid.

Then there was Scarlet. Sweet, hard-working, generous Scarlet. The woman that had taken two strangers into her home based on good faith and helped them to adapt. She never once made them feel like they were crazy or lesser men. She was there for them. She didn't look at Jaime like others did. She saw him for the man he could be, the man he was when he was away from certain influences, instead of the Kingslayer who had three children with his sister. She was the opposite of Cersei in almost every way and it drew Jaime in.

Jaime was grateful for the work on the farm, even one handed. It kept him busy and his mind off of his rapidly growing feelings for Scarlet. He went to bed exhausted almost every night and woke refreshed every morning. He and Bronn had breakfast and supper with Scarlet every day and sometimes they all shared a drink. All the while, the three of them became closer. Almost like a family.

"Oh, you're up." Jaime jumped a little. It was one of the few nights where Jaime had trouble sleeping. His mind was too full. Scarlet was standing in the living room doorway. Jaime discreetly scanned her body. She was wearing a pair of short shorts and a t-shirt. "Have ya gotten any sleep, Jaime?" He shook his head. "Thinkin' too much?"

"How'd you know?" he asked her and she laughed a bit. "Same reason I'm still up. I get to thinkin' and can't stop." Jaime found himself wondering what thoughts could possibly keep her up. She'd never tell him to his face, but Jaime was the reason she was still awake. He often plagued Scarlet's thoughts even though she tried to shut them out.

Since that night out with Noah, Scarlet had come to a realization. Jaime had somehow wiggled his way into Scarlet's life when she didn't expected it. She never would have thought a man she'd seen floating in the river would manage to find his way into her heart. And there was no denying it. She definitely had feelings for Jaime. What those feelings were, she wasn't sure yet.

"Scarlet?" The redhead shook her thoughts away. "Sorry, what?" Jaime smiled. "Are you alright?" She assured him that she was. For a moment, the two of them just looked at each other. Suddenly, Scarlet took a step closer to Jaime. "W-Would ya dance with me?" she asked. Jaime's brows furrowed. "I beg your pardon?" Scarlet flushed. "Sometimes when I can't sleep, I like to dance. I thought maybe it would help ya too."

"I suppose it's worth a try." Scarlet smiled and started some music. It was a quicker paced song at first. "I can teach ya a few dance moves. Mine and Ollie's foster parents taught us. I need to go see them actually. It's been too long." She grew quiet for a second before she grinned again. "Never mind. Let's go."

She taught Jaime a few quicker steps for the song. Jaime felt like a fool, but he was having a great time. He was having fun for the first time since he could remember. And seeing Scarlet's happy face made it all the better. Jaime was laughing and enjoying himself so much. Scarlet thought the sight was absolutely beautiful.

Suddenly the song changed into something slower. Scarlet stood there with a very becoming blush on her face. Jaime wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "Is this alright?" he asked her. She nodded, but words failed her. "I'm not quite sure how to go from here." Scarlet giggled and offered to help. Soon, the two were swaying back and forth around the room.

"I was thinking about home," Jaime finally said. Scarlet looked up at him. "Have you found a way back?" Jaime sighed. "No. And, in truth, I'm not certain I want to now. There is no chance for me there." Scarlet's expression changed to one of confusion. "No chance for what, Jaime?" Jaime wasn't sure exactly what to say. He looked into Scarlet's eyes and that told him exactly what to say.

"I want a chance to be a different man. To change the way things are. You know the things I've done and, if I return to Westeros, I will return to doing the things I hate. Cersei would hold my life in her hands as she's always done." Scarlet stopped moving. "Why do you let her control ya?" Jaime dropped his arms.

"You don't understand. Cersei is the only person to ever love me." Scarlet crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "She manipulates ya, Jaime. That's not real love. Ya don't deserve that. Ya deserve to find someone who loves ya for ya not for what ya can do for them and not for what they can make ya do. Ya deserve a real love."

"I don't know what that is. What it feels like," Jaime admitted, "I want to, but I wouldn't know where to find it." Scarlet smiled, but it was a melancholy one. "Ya haven't been lookin' in the right place then." Jaime rolled his eyes. "Obviously." Scarlet laughed a little and Jaime continued, "Where would you suggest I look, Scarlet?" Scarlet's laugh died down. "Where do ya think ya should look?"

Taking a chance, Jaime used his hand to keep her face up looking at him. "Right in front of me," he whispered. With that, Jaime brought his lips down to hover over Scarlet's. He was giving her a chance to back away. To refuse him and break his heart. She didn't move. Her breathing picked up, but she didn't move. And she wouldn't. Jaime needed this. He needed to be in control of the situation and Scarlet knew that. And she wanted to see if he meant his words. It was very clear that he did when he let his lips capture hers.    

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