Carelessly In Love

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           Alyssa's POV:

Today was just a typical Saturday... I sang songs I like and Juliette created and edited videos, not much!

           Juliette's POV:

I think my video is coming out very well today...maybe I can FINALLY be noticed on YouTube! Wait what's that noise? "LYSS!! SOMEONE IS KNOCKING ON THE DOOR!" I shouted.

               Alyssa's POV:

I heard Jules shout and I stopped my music and bolted to the front door. I hesitated before opening it...worried about who was behind it. We barely got and visiters only friends or relatives, but that wasn't alot. With a quick motion, I pulled open the door, I saw five guys smiling and waving. I went to go slam the door, but one of the guys with curly hair shoved his foot in the door and pushed it open. Still without a word spoken, they came inside and sat on the couch.

              Harry's POV:

I was a little excited to see who this girl was...her voice was amazing! When she opened up her front door, I almost fainted. She was GOREGOUS. She went to go slam the door, but I quickly stuffed my foot in the door. I ain't letting that girl exit my life as soon as she entered...she is very talented. After that I pushed open the door and lead the guys inside to a sofa and sat. No words were said yet.

               Juliette's POV:

What the hell was going on..."LYSS?! Who was at the door?" I got no response so I ran down stairs, I saw five guys. No one seemed to say anything yet and Lyss ran to me. Before she said anything to me, one of the five spoke up. " We aren't crazy...we heard a BEAUTIFUL voice and saw a directing camera. So we decided to come see who theses people are." I rolled my eyes...he is full of shit.

             Zayn's POV:

I explained the reason we were there and suddenly i noticed the blonde girl blushes and say "Alright you got me convinced, but who are you? I put my hand on my chest and said, " I'm Zayn." I pointed out all of the guys one of the time and stated, " That's Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis." I thought of how talented these girls are and took a chance..."Who are you? Also, Umm... can you guys maybe show us a little bit of your singing and videos? I'm curious."


                 Alyssa's POV:

"My name is Alyssa, but you can call me Lyss. And this is my friend, Juliette but you can call her Jules." I resited to them. I stopped to think about the question he asked and realized these are strangers, what if I say no and they hurt me? "Okay. I'll sing a little."**** I finally finished the song Bullet Proof and Jules showed her videos. Then I said " got what you want. You can LEAVE now!" They all stared at me with Puppy-eyes. I felt bad so I let them stay for dinner. "I am going to run to Subway for a quick dinner. What do you guys want?"

               Niall' POV:

I am STARVING!! We all gave  Lyss our orders and she went to grab her wallet and keys. Harry then bolted to her and grabbed her shoulders. He gave her that stare that he told me he would give to only a true love. I sat on the couch watching this, but every now and again, I would turn towards Jules and stare. I think she noticed me look at her a couple times...woops! Harry then said, " I wouldn't want you to go alone. Plus, don't worry...I'll pay." I got bored of this so I turned on the television to watch some football.

              Harry's POV:

I finally convinced Lyssie (it sounds cute) to take me with her. I saw three cars outside and I wasn't sure which was hers. I then saw Lyss run out and hop in the Bimmer. She glazed at me, gave me a look, a good look. And she rolled the top down and put on her sunglasses.

              (20 Minutes Later...)

               Juliette's POV:

"They were gone for 20 minutes where could the-" I got cut off by the sound of the door opening. Harry and Alyssa walked inside with bags full of sandwichs. I didn't want to question so we just all sat down for dinner.


               (After Dinner)

                 Louis' POV:

Man, dinner was good. I hope they let us stay with them...anyway I'm taking big risk asking but,"Hey..umm...Lyss, Jules, I have an important question." It got silent and all eyes turned to me,"Would you guys like to go on tour with us?" It got completely silent, then Jules spoke, "Why should we?"

               Liam's POV:

"You guys are amazing and I'm not lying!" I saw her facial experssion change as she said "We're in." I then quickly responded "How 'bout we celebrate by going to a club?" Then Lyss said, "You guys should go I am really exhausted." Harry turned and said, "I'm not going either." This surprised everyone because he never says no to going to a club.

                Juliette's POV:

Oh crap! The club...I have to get ready! So i ran outside and grabbed Lyss to help me. I put on makeup while she curled my hair. After 30 minutes we were finished, as soon as I opened the door, Niall was there waiting for me in his best outift. "You look so beautiful tonight, Jules. You ready to go?" I didn't know what to say! Did he know I liked him? All I could say was, "Let's go." I looked back at Lyss who just got into shorts and a crop top, she gave me the look to go. I giggled and left with Niall.

             Alyssa's POV:

When they left Harry and I decided to watch a movie. When I walked out of Jules' room Harry stood there staring just in a black tank top and his underwear. He got closer and leaned in. I didn't know what to do so I leaned in too. When our lips collided, it felt right. Harry's lips were so soft and soon as we seperated, We backed up shocked and I said ,"21 Jump Street". After the movie started, things wasn't bad. He started to move his hand up and down my leg. It gave me chills! I felt like there was no other care in the world at that moment. He leaned in again and I didn't hesitate this time, I knew it was right.

                AT THE CLUB

                 Juliette's POV:

I felt kinda bad that Harry and Lyss didn't come, but I think I know what's going on. I knew that Harry likes Alyssa so I will let them be. Anyway, a slow song started to play.Niall walked over to me and grabbed my arm, pulled me out to the dance floor and said " look so gorgeous tonight, would you dance with me?" I knew I liked him so I said,"Yes, it would be a pleasure." I wrapped my arms around him and he put his hands around my waist. I started to play with his hair as we swayed side to side. He giggled his cute little Irish laugh and said, "Do it more please."

                  Niall's POV:

"Do you want a drink?" I asked Jules after she stopped playing with my hair. "Sure...I could go for one." she said. Suddenly, when I walked to the bar, a robber came in with a gun, he stole the cash register. Then, he ran over, saw Jules and picked her up and ran out. I screamed and ran after them, but he pointed the gun at my face so I backed up hysterical crying. The guy said, "She's mine now dude!" From the smell of his breath, he was drunk. I felt bad, I couldn't do crap!




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