Is This Real?

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Alyssa's POV:

Man..Louis is very good at Sorry. He is beating al-... What's going on? I squealed and hopped onto Harry's lap and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his muscular arms wrap around me...tightly. I saw a silhouette of a person. I'm almost positive that it was a girl, but who? And where was the driver??

Harry's POV:

I didn't want to show Alyssa how scared I was so I hugged her to save her if it was a murderer. The heat came back on and the bus turned on. Where are the lights? I spoke too soon, the lights came on and there stood... Taylor Swift!? What the hell is she doing here? I never liked her, I don't even know why I dated her?? She spoke, "You little slut, get off my man...HE IS MINE!!" Shit Taylor better not touch Alyssa. She got closer to Alyssa and slapped her and she fell off my lap and Taylor got close to me. I backed up, but I know I'm screwed. I kept looking at Alyssa. I love her.

Juliette's POV:

My best friend just got slapped and now her boyfriend is about to get attacked! I gave Niall a look and I grabbed one of Taylor's arms and Niall grabbed the other. We pulled her arms back and slammed her on the floor. she got knocked out and we called Paul. He apologized for the problem and he doesn't know how she got in. She came back in to sense as the police came, Taylor screamed "HARRY WILL BE MINE AND NO ONE ELSES!! I WILL BE SURE TO MAKE A SONG ABOUT THIS ONCE I GET OUT OF JAIL!"

Niall's POV:

Me and Jules kicked Taylor's ass!! When the cops came it turns out she has been wanted for a long time,but no one ever called the cops on her so she never got arrested till now!! THANK GOD!! I just hope Alyssa is okay... Harry carried her to his room an hour ago.

Alyssa's POV:

I opened my eyes and I noticed a familiar face. Harry. "What the hell happened?" I mumbled barely able to keep my eyes open. "Babe." Harry said "It's all okay now, Taylor Swift invaded our bus and knocked you out. Taylor got arrested so there is no worries." "I could've beat her up." I moaned. No words came after this. He leaned in and his lips danced on mine. The boys and Jules came in...i didn't hear what they said I just nodded and mumbled "Mmhm." I just wanted to be alone. Or with Harry. I tried again to open my eyes, but I struggled and closed them again. I felt lips lightly touch mine so I kissed strongly back. The kiss wasn't passionate, it wasn't Harry. But who? I tried again to regain my eyes, but all I saw was a blur. I saw dark hair and that's it. I strained my eyes harder and they became clear. Finally, one last blink and......

Yeah, please don't hate me this chapter is short. I had homework and studying for finals to do!! hope you enjoyed it so far!! Don't go away I'll try to write more

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