3 Hour Rehearsal

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Alyssa's POV:

Yay!! My first rehearsal...I'm super excited! So first we get to work with the choreographer! Since Jules and I are the opening act, we sadly cannot work with the guys. Anyway, we wish them good luck and we go walk over to the choreographer. "Hello girls, ma name is Joey.", stated the choreographer. He looked crazy...Half of his hair was black and the other half was blonde. Sorta creative...****************************


After 2 hours of rehearsal, we got the song and dance down perfectly! I ran to go see how Harry was doing and when I walked to the door and peaked in, i saw this tall brunette and I could tell that she was hitting on Harry. I saw him kiss her on the cheek so I stormed in, excused us and pulled him out of the room. "I saw how you gave her a kiss and flirted with her and she flirted with you.! I cannot believe you! I really thought we were something......" I started to cry, "special." I said trying to gasp for air. I then stormed out and Zayn was in the hallway. "Vas' wrong?" he asked. For once I was glad to see him. I leaped into his arms and balled. I told him what happened and he told me that he understood. Zayn said he went though the same thing with Perry and now they aren't together. He hugged me tighter and said, "Babe, I'm here for you." His lips lightly touched mine and this time it was passionate. I heard Niall call for Zayn and he let go of me, looked me straight in the eyes and said,"I love you." I couldn't speak i just turned around and ran back to my dressing room. I grabbed all my stuff and my suitcase.

Harry's POV:

"What do you mean she's gone?!" I exclaimed to Jules when she told me. "She told me that you cheated, something with Zayn, too much pressure and she said she was done." I lost my breath, I made her leave. I don't even like the choreographer!! I would've got rid of her, but she was the only one who knew the dance. Plus, the concert is in 30 minutes! "Where is she?!" I shouted. "I don't know", Jules said looking down sadly. "I KNOW!" Zayn shouted. How would he know? "Where?" Niall asked. "Before she left, I was talking with her in the hallway." Zayn said. "And??" I asked dying for an answer. "Well...before she left, Lyss told me that she loved to see the city lights at night and that it would be the perfect date. Also, she said she liked to sit in Central Park because that's the best place to see them." Zayn responded. "I would've got more outta her, but we kissed and Niall called me back and she bolted out." Zayn recited quickly. "Well, we definitely know where she is." I stopped and thought about what he said. "You Kissed?!" I was shocked. And she is mad at me, I should be mad at her! Twice. Twice, she kissed Zayn. This time she probably wanted to! Zayn can probably tell what I am thinking when he said, "She was upset, she still loves you! Go get her then!"

Zayn's POV:

I can't believe I told him where she is. I should've went by myself and I still should! I ran and grabbed my phone and ran to Central Park. I had on my hoodie and Niall's sunglasses so no one recognized me. When I got to the Park, I saw her with her head between her knees crying. I jogged over and sat next to her. I only had a few minutes because Harry was coming soon. "Come back, we need you! You are amazingly talented." I breathed out. She sighed and looked at me, "I don't know..." I saw Harry coming this way, or I thought it was him. I told her that he didn't know I was coming and he is pissed that she kissed me....twice! What do we do? We put our heads down and waited till Harry jogged past. "I'll talk to him, but you have to..." she started. "Hide." I finished. I bolted back to the Garden.

Harry's POV:

I dashed all around the park, then I finally found her. She had her head between her legs. So I jogged over to her and sat down next to her. "I wasn't flirting, I don't like her, I love YOU." I said to her. "Go Away!" she mumbled, still with her head down. I hugged her tightly and kissed her head. "What we do have is special and it always, always will be. I love you." I stated to her. She lifted her head, "You mean it?" she questioned. "Yes, there is nothing to worry about, I will never like her, she isn't beautiful...like you." Her face got bright red. I stood up. "You ready to go?" I asked her. "No, I'm still not going." I looked at my watch, 11 minutes till the show. What am I supposed to do? "I know you apologized, but my heart is still broken and I don't know if I can perform or not. And how do I know you aren't going to cheat?" Alyssa said. "I would never cheat on you!" I exclaimed. I think I made it worse. She put her head back down and said, "Just go, there are better people in the world for you. I guess I'm not the one." Lyss started balling again, "You ARE the one. The minute I heard your voice I was in love and when I got to know you, forrrrrrrrget it!!! I think I died a little." She sat up and wiped her eyes, "How long do we have?" "8 minutes..." I responded. She then laid down on the bench and put her head in my lap. "It's just a show for them, but I want a show for us." She said then glared up at the sky. "Any minute now." She was right, fireworks blasted into the sky and we didn't care about the show right now, right now....it was about us.

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