A fimiliar face

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Lisa's POV

"YAH!!! IT'S LALISA" A girl screamed as I walked down the hallways. I walked like a model and always looked up because I would always trip and fall if I looked down like a few minutes ago... thank god it was in the bathroom. 

"She's walking like she's that girl in that one movie" someone commented. I usually ignored everyone and was always quiet. I don't understand the reason why they're all so attracted to me. But I didn't mind, maybe it's just my model walk. I mean... I do have sexy legs.

I walked into my homeroom class and went straight to my seat. By my seat were a group of boys. 7 of them. 4 of them did not belong to my homeroom. They belong in the trash. Jk. They belong in a different homeroom. They always hung out together and I was the popular loner. "Yah. I heard your name is Lisa." Said one of them. I ignored him and lowered my head down. Then I felt something humanlike touched my head. Heat rushed through my body and I felt like exploding. I grabbed the hand off, then lifted my head up. The boy who touched it was smiling. "My name is Taehyung! Let's be friends!" He said. I don't normally speak to anyone but I replied to him "Ok Taehyung. Let's do so." Then I smiled at him. "Wooooaaahhhhh" The other boys gasped. Then the bell rang and the people who didn't belong in my homeroom left.

The teacher came in with a boy. All the girls in my room started fangirling and screaming. Ouch. My ears. He looked so fimiliar I had to squint my eyes and study his face. "We have a new student today." The teacher said. Then the new student caught me squinting at him. His eyes widened and he gasped. "YAH! LALISA!! IT'S ME BAMBAM!" He yelled. My eyes widened. Bambam??? My childhood friend?? I was screaming inside dksnsjwnsjajsndnsnanhshsixnzusushshueies. He ran to me and I stood up. He gave me a hug and my eyes widened even more. This was so embarrassing. I was imagining myself being twirled while hugged but, ew. We just squeezed each other.

"Woah... love is in the air" A girl said. "No... it's in the classroom.." Another one said. Then I suddenly heard a click. It was a camera click. I shoved Bambam and looked around to see who took a picture was. I looked at Taehyung who had a big smile. "WHO TOOK THE PICTURE!?!??!" I yelled. "Uh oh! Run Taehyung!!" A girl ordered Taehyung. Taehyung got out of his seat and ran out the classroom with his phone. I ran after him. "GET BACK IN HERE YOU TWO!!!" The teacher yelled but it was too late.

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