Taehyung's place.....

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*Jimin's POV*

I watched Lisa being greeted by Mina. Aish... Namjoon's face has been slapped too much and Lisa is so omg. She doesn't speak much and she didn't even reply to Mina!!!! But it looked like Mina didn't mind being ignored. This is why she's such a sweet thing. Sigh.

*end of school*

Us 6 boys walked out of school together. "Man... it feels so different without Taehyung.. lets go check his house." Jhope said. We all agreed until a few seconds later Namjoon ran away. We were all startled by his actions and his words "I'm leaving until she leaves!!"... that was very mysterious of Namjoon to say that. "Who is the she he is talking about...??? Does he like someone??!?" Asked Jhope. He probably does. We started walking again until we saw a fimiliar face. Lisa. 😱. We all backed up and now know the reason to Namjoon's actions. Oh boy. We stood there in silence stalking her. "Lets leave until she leaves... she kinda frightens me for a girl" Suga said. We agreed.

As we stalked Lisa, a boy came up to her. Bambam... the new student... Lisa's childhood friend. It looked like Bambam was offering her a piggy backride. Eww!! Why would you let someone be on your back like that!! No!! Lisa kept shaking her head no but Bambam kept insisting. Then a few seconds later was a shock. It was the other way around. Lisa gave Bambam a piggy back ride. Even grosser!!

"Oooohhh... jimmy! Want a piggy back ride????" Jhope asked. "GAAAHHHH NOO!!" I backed away from Jhope. "Cmon Jimmy! Get on his back!!" Jin said. "Yeah get on his back" the rest said. Then they all grabbed my arm making me feel so disturbed. "No... Nooo.. nooooooo... *High pitch* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed. They all let go and laughed at me. I got very upset. "Hey! Lisa's gone! Let's go!" Jungkook said.

We all ran to Taehyung's house like a stampede but good looking ones. Once we got there we saw a few rich looking cars. Jin rang the doorbell. "Since when did Taehyung get so rich?" Suga asked. The door opened making Suga's question unaswerable. We saw a guy all dressed in black. It was Taehyung. TAEHYUNG. TAEHYUNG. "TAEHYUNG WHERE WERE YOU!?!?!?!?" Jungkook asked yelling at him. "All this time... I was missing yet none of you remembered to check my house. I am very disappointed." Taehyung replied.

We walked into his house and started crying. "Why did you go missing!?"  Was it cuz of Lisa!?" Suga asked. Right when Suga said "Lisa" Taehyung gave him a look. "NO NO NO NO!" Taehyung yelled. We all got frightened. LIES LIES LIES. "I was gone because... I saw a zebra." Taehyung said. We were all confused....... "What? So???? Why would you not go to school just cuz you saw a zebra??!!!" I yelled. I was mad for some reason. "I read a book........................ and it said if you see a zebra..... it means bad luck for 1 month...." Taehyung said sounding like he was scared. 

There was silence.............. we were all quiet until a knock. *very high pitch scream from Taehyung's mouth* Taehyung ran upstairs without a word. We were scared now. We as a group went to the door slowly... we looked out the door. Sexy legs and skinny body. *High pitch scream from everyone* Now we are even more scared. 

We quickly ran up to Taehyung's room with fear and everything. WHY THE HECK IS SHE HERE???? Suga slammed Taehyung's door and we saw Taehyung sitting in a corner. We ran to him and huddled in a group. "She's here. She's here. She's here!" Jungkook screamed. Taehyung's face looked like he was about to die. "The d-d-d-dark figure...?" He asked. We all got confused. "No not the figure you saw in the hallway!" Jin said. Taehyung's face was in shock. He grabbed Jin's shoulder and started yelling "HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" While shaking him. "HOW DID YOU KNOW!? HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" He kept yelling. When he stopped, Jin started and tells us what happened. "Well I was walking down the hallway and the other end was really dark. In the middle of the hallway was Taehyung just standing there staring towards the darkness. He suddenly kneeled down and I saw a figure. Then I saw 2 more figures behind the 1 figure. I didn't care so I ignored it and decided to go to Taehyung. I touched Taehyung to get him up but he screamed. It also looked like he was confused. So now I think he is traumatized by one of the figure.. I don't know." 

We all gasped until I remembered Lisa. SHE MIGHT BE STILL AT THE DOOR! I screamed and went to the window to see if she was still there. Nope. I calmed myself until I heard "HELLO!? ANYONE HOME?!" coming from downstairs. We were all startled by the voice. I decided to go down myself to see who it was. "Hyung... are you sure you're going to be okay... what if you die" Jhope asked. I replied with "Don't worry I'm not like you so I won't get scared" He looked offended. 

I went downstairs and saw a girl's back. "Hello" I said. The girl turned around and the flip of that hair was so smooth until I saw the face. I screamed. "LISA!???" I backed up and she stared at me. "Yeah..... Wait a minute... I remember you. Jimin!" She said. I nodded slowly and stayed quiet. "My uncle is here on vacation and he came here to visit his friend but our family needs him right now so where is he?" She asked. HOW WOULD I KNOW!? I DON'T LIVE HERE. "I don't know, I don't live her" I replied. "THEN WHO LIVES HERE?" She said with a stern voice. "Taehyung...... the guy who has been missing" I replied. She nodded and left without a word.

I looked out the window to see if she was gone... yeah she was but I also saw something else. Something bizarre... something unimaginable... something weird! Outlandish! Weird and just so MYSTERIOUS?!!

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