Chapter 12: Chat with Itachi

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Itachi lived a simple yet difficult life. If he had it his way he would be living his life out like any other kid. He would have graduated from the academy only a few months ago, he would be spending what free time he had with his family in between mission with his gennin team, and he definitely would not be spying against his clan. 

Itachi did not want the burden that had been placed upon his shoulders but he knew it had to be him who carried it out. As the prodigy and heir of the clan, he was trusted to follow in his fathers footsteps. Only he and Shishui had disagreed with the clans plans. But Shishui was dead now. He had died to keep his powerful sharingan eyes out of the hands of people who wished harm against the clan. So now Itachi was alone. 

Today Itachi was serving a simple mission for the Hokage today. A favor really considering the level of the mission. One of the clan heads was throwing a party today and wanted someone as a guard while everyone else in the compound celebrated. The only reason the mission was being given to Itachi was because the clan head had requested someone to do the job solo. And Itachi had been the only one available. It had been last minute notice and Itachi had received the mission from the Hokage late yesterday afternoon. 

Itachi hadn't questioned the nature of the mission. Instead he had merely been a bit curious as too why someone was celebrating on a day when the rest of the village grieved. October 10th, the date of the attack on the village and the death of the fourth Hokage and his wife. But Itachi wasn't one to question a mission so he accepted and reported to the Hyuga compound at 10 o'clock sharp. 

He had taken the mission not specifically as an ANBU so he had his mask with him just not on. Instead it hung at his waist.  After talking with the guards at the main gate, Itachi was directed to the office of the head of the clan. He navigated the hallways, taking in the sounds of hustle and bustle as everyone was preparing for the celebration later. He reached his destination and knocked at the door and had entered after the commanding, "Come in."

He bowed and then kneeled in-front of Hiashi Hyuga, a man as powerful as his very own father. The powerful man took in Itachi's appearance. It had been a gamble on Hiashi's part. He had put in a request with Hiruzen for someone who could be trusted with security for a day and do the job solo. It had been a risk but it paid of and now Itachi was in the compound for the day.

"Good morning, Hyuga-sama. Lord Hokage sent me to act as a guard during your festivities today."

Hiashi maintained a straight face. "Thank you for accepting the short notice mission. I only realized my need for a guard yesterday morning. An error on my part but none the less."

Itachi nodded. "Where will I be stationed sir?"

"You will be stationed on top of the main household. I will have a few people rotating at the gates through out the day but with the added activity I thought it'd be best to have someone watching from above."

Itachi nodded. An odd request but he rarely questioned a mission. "If I may ask, what celebration are hosting on a day when many grieve."

Hiashi shot Itachi a harsh glare. "A birthday party for a young boy. He is not of Hyuga blood but he has become like family to all in the compound so we are celebrating here."

Itachi's curiosity was peaked but he didn't show it under Hiashi stare. "I see. Well, shall I get in position now or wait till the festivities start?"

"You may go now. Dismissed."

With a nod Itachi stood up and backed out of the room.

Hiashi sighed. I did what you asked Naruto. I got him here. Now it's up to you.


Naruto was waiting down the hall. He had seen Itachi enter the compound and had followed him till he reached Hiashi's office. He heard the snippets of conversation from inside the office. Now as Itachi left Naruto made a point to suddenly start walking loudly and then rushed up to Itachi with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Hi! My name's Naruto! Are you here for my birthday?!"

Itachi was momentarily stunned before he processed what the little boy, who was now tugging on his sleeve, had said. "Yes I am, Naruto." A small lie but what would the child know.

Naruto made himself smile even wider. "Awesome! There's gonna be a real ninja at my party!"

Itachi chuckled slightly at the boys enthusiasm. "There are lots of 'real ninja' in the compound."

"Well yeah." Naruto layered on the childish condescending tone. "But none of 'em wear fancy clothes like you! Or 'ave a suuuuper cool mask!"

Itachi smiled down at the boy who reminded him of his little brother. Naruto, the boy had said his name was. Suddenly Itachi heard a pattering of another set of small feet and looked up to see who he assumed was Hiashi's oldest daughter running towards them.

Naruto plastered a grin on his face and little kid whispered to Itachi. "That's Hinata. She suuuper cute and she loves ninjas! We're gonna become ninjas together!"

The little girl who Naruto had confirmed was Hiashi's eldest Hinata, came to a sliding halt in-front of the two boys. She smiled up at Itachi. "Hi! My name is Hinata! What's yours?"

"My name is Itachi. It's very nice to meet you Hinata-chan." Hinata giggled for effect.

"Are you going to play games with us? Hey, did you know it's Naruto's birthday today? He's six!" Itachi raised an eyebrow at Naruto's age. That meant that Naruto had been born right before or during the attack on Konoha. 

"Oh? So you're six today Naruto? I have a brother that is a few months older than you. His name is Sasuke."

"Sasuke? That's a funny name." Naruto scrunched up his nose a little and then Hinata smacked him on the arm.

"Don't be mean! Your name's kinda funny too." Naruto had the skills to look offended and hurt at the same time while keeping a playful glint in his eyes.

"Well we can't all have pretty names like you Hina-chan." The singsong notes Naruto put on her nickname made Hinata blush.

Itachi raised his eyebrow again. What was with these two? He had seen Hinata once or twice before whenever his father had meeting with Hiashi, and Hiashi had brought Hinata along since she was his heir. She had never been this rambunctious and full of energy before.

"Nee-nee, Itachi-san! Do you want to go play before the party starts?" Naruto looked at Itachi with his best pleading puppy eyes.

Sadly for him, Itachi wouldn't be swayed from his mission. "I'm sorry Naruto but I have to go. I'm here to do a job too. But I'll see you at your party okay?"

Naruto pouted but nodded. "See you then Itachi-san."

Itachi waved as he walked to the area of the compound where he could jump up to the roof before making his way to the high-point of the roof-line. Those two kids were adorable and made him miss his little brother. He had been so busy with ANBU work and his spying that he had rarely been home to spend time with his brother. There was little time they had left before Sasuke either went the academy or something drastic changed with the position of the Uchiha Rebellion. 

Itachi didn't like to think about the rebellion and the storm it would cause. It might even cause another war. When Itachi thought about his little brother, and about the other children like Naruto and Hinata, he could only hope he was doing the right thing by turning against the leaders of his clan.

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