Chapter 15: Operation Neji

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October had passed with little incident after Naruto's party and the beginning phases of plan Itachi. The couple could now run three laps around the village in record time without collapsing. Something that would have garnered them a lot of attention, if anyone was paying attention. Which no one was. No one payed attention to the activities of the Hyuga heir and the boy everyone had once treated like dirt. The few people that saw the pair daily were veterans that had seen it all. And after an enlightening conversation with the young pair one afternoon, everyone's mind had been put to rest with any concerns, suspicions, or worries.

So now anyone who regularly saw the young couple racing around, on the the outskirts of the village to avoid too much attention, just smiled softly at the idea of there being such bright hopeful young kids out there. Bright, kind hearted kids that wanted to make their village proud. 

Hinata and Naruto entered their cool down jog at the end of their third lap to avoid overly stiff muscles later on. They talked in between breaths about what their next move in plan Itachi should be. Sadly, they didn't know every detail involving the massacre. Just that it occurred on August 5th, and that Itachi received the mission assignment only a week in advance. They knew Itachi's reasoning and why Danzo assigned this mission. They understood that it had to be done. But they couldn't let the children die. 

Having Itachi spare the children may create a horde of Sasuke's, bent on revenge. Or having each other to cling to might make the situation better for them. They wouldn't know until after. But something they remained firm in was that the children should have a chance. 

Having finished their cool down jog, Naruto and Hinata walked into the compound. Having timed the jog to bring them directly to a side gate of the compound. They waved at the lone guard and made their way to the training hall so they could gather up their normal clothes and take a shower. Not paying much attention to their surroundings, they walked right into the training hall. Just to run right into Neji as he was leaving. The seven, six, and five year-old all fell down in a heap on the floor. 

Naruto was the first to get sat back up and he quickly analyzed the situation. Hinata still had enough energy after their run that this should work out even better than their fight in the chunnin exams. It was earlier in their lives so Neji's resentment wasn't so ingrained into his personality yet. 

Naruto popped to his feet and then pulled Hinata up before turning and offering a hand to Neji. They pale eyes boy hesitated before grasping Naruto's hand and Naruto hauled him up. Naruto let go before he plastered a medium sized smile on and launched into his spiel.

"Sorry Neji! Hinata and I just got back from runnin and we didn't see ya! Whach'ya doin in here any way?" Naruto grinned widely.

Neji looked a little put off at Naruto's enthusiasm. "I was doing some training."

"Cool! Hinata and I were gonna go do some more training too! You wanna stay?" Please stay. I've been waiting for this opportunity.

Neji paused to consider it before slowly nodding and heading back into the training room. Hinata turned to look at Naruto her question evident in her eyes.

'What are you doing?'

'Just wait and see.' Is what he replied back silently. They walked into the training hall to see Neji just standing near the middle of the room. "Watch this."  With a wiggle of his eyebrows Naruto shouted, "Hey Neji, do you wanna spar with us or do you just wanna watch me and Hinata?"

Neji paused, "You can two can spar first. Then if you're not to tired I'll go against you."

Naruto caught the implication. Neji was replying to Naruto so Neji expected to fight Naruto after he was done sparing with Hinata. That wasn't what was going to happen. Hinata and Neji were going to have there reconciliation fight sooner than before and with different results. Results that wouldn't need Naruto bashing in Neji's skull later. Hinata would win a longer more drawn out fight between two even skilled fighters.

Naruto just had to give Hinata enough time to build back up her energy. And tell her the plan. He was pretty sure she understood what he was trying to do here but just in case. Whispered words disguised under the sounds of sparring would have to do.

Naruto and Hinata faced each other and with a bow they started. They kept their speed below what they normally showcased at regular training with Hiashi but they were persistent to say the least. They had to create enough noise to hide Naruto's whispers.

"Hina. You need to take out one of my arms. Make it look like an accident when I push you harder. That way Neji will fight against you. Also me being hurt will give you some time to rest and meditate for a few minutes to draw on Kuruma's chakra." Hinata gave a quick nod before jumping back and then charging at Naruto again. Naruto had one more thing to say. "Give him hell, baby."

And with a smirk Naruto started to increase his speed and aggression forcing Hinata to take a few steps back before launching her own attacks. The warning glint in Hinata's eye told Naruto it would be coming in the next few hits. Hinata swept with her foot before making a jab at Naruto left arm.

The arm fell limp at his side and Naruto made a show of fake pain as he jumped back. He grabbed his numb arm and mock glared at Hinata. "You did it again Hina!"

Hinata stalled before racing over to Naruto. "I'm so sorry Naruto! I didn't mean to! I just took the opening!"

Neji moved from his place to where the pair was standing and activated his byukugan. Naruto's chakra point was completely sealed in his left arm. Making any movement in the arm impossible. Neji looked at Hinata. "How did you do that?"

Hinata grimaced and gave Naruto another apologetic smile. "I have Naruto's points memorized and I went for the one in his arm when he started to fall. I completely forgot it was supposed to be a fun training spar." She now glared at Naruto. "It's your fault for pressing me too hard. You know I'm better at taijutsu than you."

Naruto's indignant "Hey!" was lost on Neji's ears as he replayed Hinata's statement. Hinata was better at taijutsu than Naruto? Even with the evidence in-front of him Neji was hard pressed to believe that his weak little cousin who had been the root cause of his fathers death was that strong.

Neji focused back on the present time as he heard a statement that caught his attention.

"Well since I'm done for. Do you wanna fight Hinata, Neji?"

Neji considered this. He wanted to see how much his cousin had changed since she started her friendship with Naruto. Neji knew his cousin had improved a lot. but she was still weak in his mind. Beating her would only prove what he already knew. Naruto looked at his cousin and gave a firm nod. "I would like to spar with you Hinata-sama."

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