Chapter 17: Christmas and a Birthday

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It was now December. Two days before Christmas. Naruto and Hinata had been back for five months, and seven days. Or just 160 days. In that time they had trained, started to save the Uchiha clan, celebrated a birthday, and reconnected with family. They had gone on date nights while transformed back into their older selves. Now bi-weekly regulars at restaurants around the village. Rumors had spread about the mysterious couple that was only ever seen on dates. On the off weeks or any days they had free the two would have their own private dates, like picnics in the forest, or just camping out in Naruto's living room spending time together. The one date they could go on as their now six and almost six year old selves were the times they went to Ichiraku's.

They went about once a week since they both loved it and Teuchi loved to seat his favorite customers. He would listen as they talked about the training they had been doing and recent events in their lives. Adding in his own tales and doing his best to help make the meal fun for the two kids that had made their way into his heart alongside his own daughter. 

As Christmas and Hinata's birthday drew near, Naruto found himself wondering what to get her for a gift. It would be their first Christmas as a married couple. And even under the circumstances he wanted to make it special. He had considered one option but decided that it would be a little embarrassing. He then moved on to thinking about actual physical gifts. Hinata wasn't one for material possessions. She had told him multiple times that it didn't matter what their life was like as long as she had him by her side. 

Naruto was walking around the village by himself. Hinata had to attend a meeting with Hiashi as she was still his heir so far. They had talked the matter of her being the heir to the clan and decided that when Hanabi was a few years older, maybe five like Hinata was when she started, they would ask Hiashi to make Hanabi the heir. Though Hinata was better suited to the role this time around, they had both seen the fine young lady Hanabi had become. Hanabi had the level head that also came with a stubborn streak to do what was best for the clan. Hinata just wanted to pickup where her life had restarted when the time came.

She wanted to officially remarry Naruto on the same wedding day, she wanted to raise a family together, she wanted to see Naruto take up the Hokage robe and hat like he was destined to. She wanted to see what the world could become. She wanted to see her cousin live out his full life. She wanted to see the impact Naruto could make on the world one more time. And if she had to relive the mission to the moon again too, she would. All so she could end up back at that blissful moment. That moment when she realized that everything would be okay. And that everything was going right.

Naruto walked past the jewelry store. A small shop that had been outfitted with the best security a man could buy. And suddenly Naruto had his gift. He dashed into an alley and transformed into his older version that he used for dates with Hinata. He had enough money on him to pay the immediate down payment. He should be able to find one really close or ask for a rush order to have it ready by the night of Hinata's birthday. It would cost him but it was worth it. She obviously wouldn't be able to wear it on her finger but she could put it on a necklace.

The bell above the door chimed a greeting and Naruto was greeted by the attendant at the counter. 

"Greetings sir. What can I help you with today."

Naruto smiled sheepishly. "My wife lost her ring on a mission and I was hoping to find a replacement for either Christmas or her birthday which is in a few days."

"I see. Well I hope I can help you. Are you looking for an exact copy or just something similar?"

"I was hoping to find an exact copy but if its close that is okay too. It's the thought that counts right?"

The man laughed. "I guess it is. Well why don't you describe the ring. Or do you maybe have a picture or drawing of it?"

"I don't have a picture or drawing with me but I may be able to sketch it if you have a piece of paper."

The kind man smiled. "I'll go get you some paper. Don't you worry. We'll find a ring."


It was Christmas morning. Naruto was snuggled up next to Hinata, holding her close. He wanted to give her her present before they had to part ways so now he had to wake her up. He lightly kissed her cheek. No reaction. Her nose. Stirred slightly. Her lips. A slight eye flutter. 

Naruto then smirked and bent to nibble on her ear. Hinata's eyes flew open and she whirled to smack Naruto on the shoulder. She caught his smirk and stopped before doing much damage. A blush was heavily dusted across her face as she covered the attacked ear.

"Why did you do that?"

"Cuz you needed to wake up Hina-hime."

Hinata raised an eyebrow. He only brought out that nickname if he'd done something she didn't know about yet.

"What did you do?" Her curiosity won over any sense of anger left from the ear incident.

Naruto chuckled. "Nothing. I just wanted to give you your present."

"My present?"

Naruto grinned. "Yep."

"What is it?"

"Mah. Hina-hime! You know that's not how it works." She growled at him slightly. "Alright love. Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

She glared at him before doing as told. She closed her eyes and focused on the sound of Naruto's breathing as he rustled around for something. She felt him grab her hand and turn it. She then felt something cool slide over her finger. She then felt the sensation of Naruto's lips on her skin.

"You can open your eyes now." Hinata opened her eyes and looked down at her hand and gasped. There it was! Her ring! It was her ring from back before the jump! She looked up at Naruto and launched herself at him in a flurry of kisses on his face and neck. Naruto chuckled deeply and then grabbed her chin and pulled her to him so he could kiss her. Their tongues danced for a minute before they broke apart smiling and in need of breath.

"I can't believe it! You found it! Or I guess you got me the same one! You don't know how much I missed the feel of it on my hand!" She kissed him again. Just a short sweet one.

Naruto laughed. "It's our first Christmas married. Even under the circumstances. I wanted to do something special and I figured this was the best way. Just so you know this counts as your birthday present too."

Hinata giggled. "It doesn't matter to me. All that matters is having you here with me."

Naruto sighed and pressed his forehead against his wife's. With all the craziness around them he was glad to have her with him. She was what was keeping him sane through all of this. Without her he would have never even gotten this far. Sure he could have gone to some other village and tried to cope with the loss. But if he was completely honest with himself. There was no life without Hinata. Now that he had her. He was never letting her go.

In case you didn't guess the picture in the media section is the ring I think fits Hinata perfectly. Just thought I'd put that there so if I ever do a Hinata describing her ring thing you'll have a picture to reference. 

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