Now 2: Perfect

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Hoseok's p.o.v

Taehyung and I chased after the waves and they chased us. We've been doing this for quite a while now. I watch as Taehyung ran back and forth a smile appearing each time a wave came.

I was so lost in the thoughts of Taehyung, I didn't notice a bigger wave coming.

Tae ran farther than usual. I look towards the water and saw the wave coming. Since I didn't want to get wet I took some steps backwards, soon stumbling.

I was ready to meet the sand and water. Instead I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. It was like everything was slo-mo.

I turn my head and saw Tae who was closing his eyes as some water splash our legs. I look at his hands that were tightly holding me. His breath on my neck.

I felt my breath get caught in my throat. His eyes opened and he looked right into my eyes.

We stayed like that for three seconds before he let go and broke contact. He rubbed his neck, "If you were less careless, we could have still been dry."

I bowed my head down a bit, "Sorry, Taehyung."

He stared at me for a bit then looked away.

"Let's get something to eat. It's getting late," he said.

I nodded as you could now only see a bit of light. We made sure our legs were dry then enter the restaurant. We sat down at one of the booths. The booths were black and brown. The table was brown and had some nature design on it showing plants or animals.

I could feel the air conditioning and smell the delicious food. After we ordered, a girl probably in high school came to us.

"Sorry to interrupt but are you Kim Taehyung?" she asked in English. (They speak Korean)

Tae smiled, "Yes I am. Are you a fan?" he answered, also in English. I was wowed at Taehyung's English. He didn't seem to be a person to know much of any other language.

The fan nodded. Taehyung seemed to notice a notebook she was holding. He pulled out a pen from he shirt pocket and took the book from her. He opened to the last page and gave an autograph.

The girl thanked him and left. I noticed the fan didn't even ask anything from Taehyung though. "Why did you give her an autograph when she didn't even ask yet?"

"I saw her across the room. She asked her mom if she had something, probably a pen and paper. Yet she only had a notebook. So to save time, I just pulled out a pen and signed."

I was amazed he knew. "You're prepared," I told him.

"I always am," he flashed a smile.

But are you prepared if Jimin leaves you. The waiter brought us food and we ate.

Third person's p.o.v

Jimin sat on his bed angrily. Jungkook hadn't called him or visit him yet. Yoongi sat on the soft cushion near the balcony. The curtains were brown with outlines of flowers. Their bed set consist of the colors, brown, red, and orange.

"Jimin, don't worry. You'll be sharing lots of time with Jungkook tomorrow. For today you should just rest and have fun. After all this is kinda like a vacation." Yoongi was slurping a cup of juice from their room service. The two decided to just stay in the room and not go out.

"But I'm bored...." Jimin stood up from the bed slouching and making his way to the balcony. There wasn't much wind, it was just cool. The sun had set already.

"Just do anything you want. I won't be bothering you," Yoongi told him.

'Just do anything. Anything and Yoongi won't budge in.'

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