Tony Stark x Reader - Pepper's Shadow

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"Do you ever get sick of being pampered?" Tony asked me, running his fingers through my hair.

We stood in front of the bathroom mirror, getting ready for the latest press conference.

I suddenly remembered the last woman who was in this role. I remembered her with Tony, pictured her with him, living the life I was.

"Why, because that's what happened to Pepper?" I responded, taking a step back.

"Why do you keep bringing her up, Y/N?" He implored with a roll of his eyes.

"Because, Tony."

"Because why?! I love you. And not just you, I...I love the way that you love me. I've never had that before. Especially not with Pepper."

I didn't say anything in response. I felt nothing but guilt for asking.

"Is that a good enough answer for you?" He said, pulling me closer.

He wasn't angry like I thought he would be. He held me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"So I ask you again." He continued, continuing to brush my hair with his fingers, as if nothing had happened. "Do you ever get sick of being pampered?"

I turned to face him, and stood on my tip-toes so my lips grazed his.

"No, I don't think I could ever get sick of it, as long as you're the one who is doing said pampering."

His hand made its way around my waist. "Nobody else is going to get that chance. Not as long as I have anything to say about it."

I smiled and draped my arms around his shoulders. "Good."

Tony finally leaned in to kiss me, and when our lips met, I felt something that I had never felt before: belonging.

We pulled apart and stared into one another's eyes.

"You know the main reasons why I mention Pepper a lot?" I say suddenly, almost immediately regretting bringing this up.

Tony sighed. "No. Why?"

I took a deep breath and began explaining. "My whole life, I've never belonged anywhere. I'd walk through life alone, feeling like I have no purpose, and that the world would go on fine without me, so what's the point of even being here at all?"

Tony frowned and took my hand. "That's not true at a--"

"--let me finish."

Tony nodded and kept quiet.

"I've always felt inferior. I've never been noticed. And coming after someone as gorgeous and amazing - seemingly perfect - as makes me question myself. It makes me worry that one day, you'll just decide that she was better. And you'll leave. And I'll be alone again."

I found myself getting choked up. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I told Tony my deepest thoughts and emotions.

"Y/N, you are such a fantastic person. If you think Pepper was 'perfect', you must be some kind of goddess." He dried my tears and held me again. I always felt so safe in his arms.

"Thank you, Tony."

"No, Y/N. Thank you. Thank you for coming into my life. I truly don't know where I would be without you."

I felt a blush tint my cheeks. "You don't have to. 'cuz I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh I wouldn't let you." He said with a laugh. "You said that you didn't feel like you belonged anywhere...I'll tell you right now, I know exactly where you belong. You belong with me."

He took my hand and led me out of the bathroom into the hallway.

"You see all this?" Tony asked, gesturing at our mansion.

I nodded.

"This is all yours." He continued.

"No. It's ours." I corrected him, and started down the stairs.

"It's ours at least until the press burn it down." Tony joked after a glance at his watch. "We're going to be late."

"When are you not late, Tony?" I teased.

"Touché my friend, touché."

He planted a kiss on my cheek and we both sped arm in arm to the garage.

My job was stressful, but it was worth it for Tony. Pepper had cracked under that pressure, but I would make sure that I didn't. He deserved the world, and I would be the one to get it for him.

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