Captain America x Iron Man - Out Of Hiding

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"Cappy!" Tony called from the living room. "Dinner's ready!"

After a long stretch of silence, he began to grow concerned. Steve had been rather quiet the past few days, and Tony had no clue why. Had he done something wrong?

He opened the door to their bedroom to find Steve laying on their bed, staring up at the ceiling fan go round.

"I'll be out in a minute." He said simply, not moving at all.

Tony wasn't having that. "Come on, baby. You haven't been yourself lately. Talk to me." He said, sitting down on the bed next to Steve.

Steve rolled over, his back facing Tony.

"Did I do something wrong?" Asked Tony, now becoming frustrated.

"'s me." Steve said, and finally sat up. "I've been thinking."

"Well that's the problem right there. Don't think too much. Ever." Tony joked, and Steve cracked a smile.

"I have been thinking because I saw an article in the paper."

"There's another problem. Who reads the paper now?" Tony said again, hoping to get Cap to laugh. He did.

"Listen, Tony." Steve said through laughter, feeling a lot better than when Tony had first arrived. "I saw an article about you. And Pepper."

Tony's attitude shifted. "Goddammit." He spat. "When will people learn that it's just over? For real this time!"

Steve continued. "The article said that Pepper has found somebody new. And that you were lonely and wanted her back."

"I never said that!" Tony fumed. "Please, please do not believe any of that shit."

"I don't. I do know the reason why they have written this though." Steve said.

"Well please enlighten me."

"They wrote it because nobody has any idea that we are together. They don't know that you're least I hope you are."

"Of course I am, Cappy." Tony assured him. "I am a thousand times happier with you than I ever was with Pepper."

Steve felt his face flush slightly. "Good. But the reason why I have been thinking, is because it's my fault."

Tony scoffed. That wasn't possible. Steve hadn't done anything wrong. But suddenly, he remembered.

"Oh..." He said, placing his hand on Steve's shoulder. "I mean, at least you feel differently now. Right?"

Steve nodded. He now wore a frown on his face again. He remembered when they first began to become romantic.

Steve had been terrified in the beginning. At that time Tony was still dating Pepper, and he knew that the public would absolutely destroy Tony if they found out that he was dating another man.

So, Steve shut Tony out. He pretended like they didn't even know each other out in public, but when they were alone he was loving and caring and his normal self.

This exhausted and confused Tony. They had gotten into a rather explosive argument. Steve had explained that he was trying to protect Tony, but Tony, in tears, had told him how hurt he was by it and that if it didn't stop, he would break things off.

This snapped Steve into reality. He now was affectionate at all times with Tony, and was able to save the relationship.

However, even now, there was still no PDA, and it was still a secret to the public. Steve knew that the only way to stop all of the Tony and Pepper slander is to come out. And that very thought made him dizzy.

He explained all of this to Tony, who understood completely. "You don't have to do it now, you know. Do it when you're ready."

"I know, I just...I wish I could be ready. For you." Steve admitted, and sunk back under the covers.

"Look baby, I know this is hard. But...I...I love you. And...and I want the world to know. That's what I've always wanted. I want to scream off the rooftops, how proud I am to call you mine. And I've restrained myself from doing that. For you. I can wait until we are on the same page."

Tony's words brought tears to Steve's eyes. "If that's the case, then...I'm ready."

Tony's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"


Tony grinned while fighting tears of his own. He bent down and kissed his boyfriend passionately, taking his hands in his own.

"Let's go out on the town." Cap said, brushing tears off of his cheeks. "I think there's a movie out that we can see."

Tony stared in astonishment. Was this the same Steve Rogers? "I would love that, sweetheart."

And just like that, the two took to the streets hand in hand, proud to be there, and proud to have a partner of the same gender.

When cameras stared clicking and flashing, though Cap's heart began to race, he didn't run. He kept walking.

Tony knew that this was scary for him, so he planted a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, knowing that they'd see that picture on the internet tomorrow.

"I love you," Tony mouthed as they arrived at the theater.

"I love you more." Steve mouthed back, tightening his grip on Tony. "And I won't ever be ashamed of that."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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