Loki x Reader - Can I Trust You?

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I awoke to the sound of angry voices yelling. Though my vision was blurry, I could make out who those voices belonged to.

Thor and Loki.

"Why should I let you?" Thor bellowed, his hands balled into fists.

"Because, brother! She's different. I know it." Loki responded, his voice lowering.

I knew immediately that they were referring to me. I sat up, my head pounding.

"She's awake now anyways, why don't you ask her?" Loki chirped with a smile and bounded over to me. Thor followed cautiously.

"Hello!" Loki greeted me, oddly cheerful. I remembered what he did. To Asgard. To New York.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, scooting away from him.

"I...do you not remember?"

I paused. I didn't think I did. I realized that there was a large gap of memory from before I was brought to Asgard and that very moment.

"No...no I don't. The last thing I remember was coming here."

Thor sighed and kneeled down next to me. "What is your name?"

Before I could open my mouth, Loki answered for me. "Y/N." He said, and smiled at me.

"How do you know that?" I exclaimed, confused and afraid.

"Why, you told me of course." He responded with a frown. "We really should catch her up."

Thor agreed, and Loki joined him at my bedside.

"Where to begin...?" Loki pondered, staring at me.

My stomach began to do backflips as his sky blue eyes bore into mine. There was something so compelling about him, despite the fact that he was a murderer.

"Start with when you brought her here in the first place." Thor ordered, clearly meaning strict business.

"Alright." Loki agreed, and slid closer to me. "I found you on Earth, in a hospital bed. You were dying."

"Yes, I remember that part. But...I was never told why I was so critically ill..."

"You possess a kind of magic, Y/N. A kind of magic that was thought to be extinguished long ago."

"Is that why you want me?" I asked him, becoming wary.

Thor smiled. "She's a smart one to be suspicious of your trickery."

Loki glared at his brother. "I am not playing a game this time, brother. Let me finish explaining to her before she thinks me some sort of evil creature."

"She might already think that. Everyone on Earth knows about New York." Thor pointed out.

Loki didnt respond; he simply hung his head and continued speaking to me.

"I found your magic, and discovered that it was only killing you because you know not how to control it. I figured that bringing you to Asgard would help you."

"You figured wrong," Thor muttered underneath his breath.

"Shut up and let me finish!" Loki exclaimed, enraged.

Both Thor and I flinched. Neither of us expected to see him so angry.

After regaining his composure, Loki went on with his story again. "I thought Asgard could help you, but we were attacked upon arrival. Beings all across the nine realms were trying to get ahold of your magic, Y/N. But I protected you. Thor fought them off while we hid in here."

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