Part 19- John's a Dick *The Sequel

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Gabriel's POV:

After that day that Dean went to the hospital, John Winchester was sentenced for twenty years without the possibility of parole for assault and hate crimes. Sam was inspired by the entire process and now hopes to become a lawyer someday. I believe in him, my moose can do anything.

Dean recovered quickly and with no lasting damage, thank god. He was out of bed in two days and out of the sling in three weeks. Him and Cas have grown closer than I'd ever seen them before.

Both Cas and Dean are happier than I've ever seen them. Dean is able to speak to almost anyone now. He still occasionally does get anxiety but Cas is almost always there to help him and calm him down.

My Samoose and I are pretty good too, if I do say so myself. Seeing John go to jail was hard for him, almost as hard as loosing his mom, but we made it through. 

After that the end of the school year, the Shirley residence moved away from Pontiac, where Michael and Lucifer still went to school, to Lawrence Kansas. Balthazar is going to the University of Kansas for a degree in psychology, Cas and Dean are starting senior year, and Samsquatch and I are starting sophomore year in September.

Everyone's finally happy, I'm pleased to tell you. I know some of you may expect sad endings to stories such as this, but not this time. Sometimes the universe just owes a happy ending for us humans.

People have gone through their whole lives dealing with pain and suffering, but I want to tell you that everyone can find happiness. That doesn't have to be with just a person, it can be with a job, or a pet, or a city, or a friend. 

Just look at Dean. His family was moving around ever since a young age. He was then bullied for almost an entire school year based on something that made him different. This hate drove him to almost completely sever his tie with other people. 

He moved to Pontiac and he still didn't have a break. His mom died, then his dad beat him up. But Dean fought for happiness. Cas helped him fight. And he won. Any fight takes courage and Dean had it.

Do you have that courage to fight for your happiness, too?

A/N: Song of the Day: Come a Little Bit Closer by Jay and the Americans. -Jordan

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