Kopa is king

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Kopa returns to PrideRock. As he nears he fakes a frown.
"Kopa, what's wrong?" Asks Simba when he sees his son.
"Kion is dead." He replies.
"Kion is dead?!" Gasps Simba. "How?"
Kopa's frown disappears and an evil smiles appears. "Because I killed him!"
Simba roars at Kopa that summoned the lionesses to his side. Kopa also had company. The hyenas walk to his side as well.
"What's going on?" Asks Nala.
"Kopa betrayed us." Says Simba coldly.
"We heard you roar. What's the problem?" Asks Beshte as he and the guard arrive at PrideRock.
"Where's Kion and Fuli?" Asks Bunga.
"Your leader is dead and Fuli is with us despite what we say." Answers Kopa.
Everyone gasps.
"That's enough chitchat. Hyenas! Attack!" Commands Kopa.
The hyenas attack at the lions and the guard. The lions and the guard seem to be winning until jackals, vultures and crocodiles join the fight.
"We need to retreat!" Commands Simba.
"What about the Pridelands?" Asks Zazu.
"We will come back." Replies Simba.
The lions and the guard run away from PrideRock.
"Let's go to Hakuna Mutata Falls. We need to tell my uncles and we can rest there." Says Bunga leading the way.

At Hakuna Mutata Falls
"Simba? Bunga? What's going on?" Asks Timmon when he spots his friends.
The remaining members of the guard tell Timmon and Pumba everything they know.
"Wait, wait, wait. Kion's dead?" Asks Timmon confused.
"But he's here and alive...just." Explains Pumba.
"WHAT?!" Shouts everyone.
"Kion is here." Explains Timmon.
They take them to a tree where Timmon and Pumba have made a bed out of leaves. Simba and Nala's eyes fill with tears of joy when they see their son asleep. Kion looks pretty bad after his fight with Kopa and his near death experience but alive. Simba, Nala and Kiara rush over to Kion and give him a big hug. Kion stays asleep.
"We've been doing everything we can to help him but he's not waking up. Do you know what happened to him?" Asks Timmon.
"Kopa claims that he killed Kion. It must've been him." Growls Simba.
"Zazu and I have been talking. We've decided to go back so we can report to you what's going on." Says Ono.
"Are you sure?" Asks Nala.
Ono and Zazu nod.
"Good luck you two." Says Beshte.
"Come back safely...that's and order." Continues Simba.
Ono and Zazu take flight and head to the Pridelands.

In the Pridelands
Kopa is walking to the ledge overlooking the Pridelands. All of the animals in the Savannah have come to witness his coronation.
"Hurry up Fuli. The King wants you by his side so everyone knows you are the new queen." Snaps Janja.
Fuli is sitting at the back of the den. She doesn't look at Janja when he enters.
"Do I have to?" Whispers Fuli.
Janja pushes her to the entrance.
"Yes." He growls.
"You don't have to do this Janja. I know you hate being the second favourite to Scar so why do you do this?" Asks Fuli.
"I don't have to explain myself to you." He snaps.
"Think about." She sighs as she walks to Kopa's side.
"Here's my beautiful queen." Smiles Kopa to Fuli.
"Paws off." She snaps.
Dark clouds block out the sun and a lion made of smoke and fire appears in front of Kopa and Fuli. All of the animals scream in terror. It was a lion they knew too well. Scar.
"We have come together today to celebrate a new era, an era of darkness!" He starts. "King Simba, his lionesses and the remaining members of the lion guard have fled the Pridelands leaving you to defend for yourselves; but do not fret. You have a new King and Queen. May I present the first born son of Simba, King Kopa and his Queen, Fuli."
The animals look at Fuli in shock.
"It can't be true!" Cries a zebra.
"Fuli would never do such a thing!" Shouts a gazelle.
Kopa roars at the animals and all is silent.
"That is not how you treat a queen!" Booms Kopa.
"Kopa stop!" Yells Fuli. "I never wanted this. I never wanted you, I never wanted Kion dead and I never wanted to be queen. All of this just so I'd be yours? You're sick!"
All of the animals could hear what Fuli is saying and they nod in agreement. Kopa scratches Fuli's shoulder making her collapse. All of the animals gasp in shock.
"Shut up you stupid cheetah before I kill someone!" Booms Kopa.
He turns to face his subjects. "That will be all."
Kopa and the hyenas leave to go hunt while the animals return to their daily routine. Fuli stays on the ground and watches everyone leave. She wanted to scream in anger but it would only result in her getting another scratch.
"Fuli are you ok?" Whispers a voice above her.
Fuli looks up and see Ono and Zazu fly and land in front of her.
"Ono, Zazu? Boy am I glad to see you." Smiles Fuli as she gives them a hug.
"We saw everything. How have you survived this long?" Asks Zazu.
"I don't know. Have you heard about Kion?" Replies Fuli.
Ono and Zazu look at each other.
"He's alive. We've seen him." Replies Ono.
Fuli cries tears of joy. "I thought he was dead. I tried to believe otherwise."
"We must head back to report what's going on." Says Zazu.
Fuli wipes away her tears. "Yes, you must hurry. Tell the others I'm ok but I don't know how much longer I can stand this."
She gives them one last hug before they fly away.
"Stay safe." Fuli whispers even though they were a dot in the distance.

Return of Kopa #4Where stories live. Discover now