Ignited Sans x Reader

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~|Requested by a lovely reader|~
~*Drawing by Me*~
~ Credit to who ever made this sans~

Plain white surround me. Nothing, no colors or shapes, or. . . Anything. I take  a deep breath in as I lay on the white flooring, starring into the nothingness that say above me. My limb stretched out. I lay there watching nothing for hours. I start to doze off until a sound surrounds the area.

Whoosh. I sit up and turn my head. Blue strings come flying at me. I gasp and roll out of the way. One of the strings hit my arm, and cuts it. Blood starts to cover the wound and roll down to my hand. I stand up to come face to face with a charcoal colored skull with blue looking tears lines. Its eye squints at me. The yellow pupils glare at me. I take a step back as it raises their hand.

I dodge the blue strings that come at me. Bones fly pass me and hits the black skeleton in his right shoulder. I spin around and face a white skeleton with a grey jacket and purple fur and elbow pads. They have a chain that glows purple wrapped around their hand. They sling it around before throwing one end to the other skeleton. The skeleton takes my unharmed hand and tugs me behind them. I notice some blue and yellow marks coming from below his eyes. I fall to the floor, watching the 2 skeletons battle, until the grey and purple jacket skelly wraps the black and blue jacket skeleton up with the purple chain.

I stand up, shaking from blood loss. The skeleton notices and stomps over, taking my hurt arm and pushing me into a portal. I fall onto the floor and look up at the skeleton. He glares down at me before pointing to a dinning room chair.

"Sit down so I can patch you up, and don't think about running off. I know where to find you human." What I assume to be a man, gruffs out. I nod my head and scatter to sit on the chair, holding my arm. He nods his head in approval before walking off. I sit there and look around. A green couch sat in front of a large window. A TV screen was placed in front of the saggy couch. Beside the TV was a stair case. I continued to look around.

The floor boards creak beside me causing me to snap my head to the sound. The skeleton stood there with a white box in his hand. He places the box on the table and opens it. Many thing of medical supplies sat inside. I look back up to him. He seems to look a lot more calm. He takes out so gaze and antibiotics cream. He pulls out some medical tape before turning to me and crouching down. He looks at the wound before grabbing the antibiotic.

"Your wound isn't deep to kill you quickly, but if I let you bleed out you could die. You also got lucky, because now you don't have to get stitches." I nod my head with a smile. He looks surprised before focusing back on my wound. He finishes working on my wound. He wipes his hands on a rag. Wiping a bit if my blood off, before walking over to the couch.

"Thank you . . . for taking care of my wound." I say almost in a whisper voice. He looks at me and smiles a genuine smile.

"It's no problem sweet cheeks. What kind of protector would I be if I could help a human with a simple wound like that. Names Sans by the way, what's ur name, or would you rather I call you love." I blush lightly but smile.

"My name is Y/N. It's nice to meet you Protector Sans." He snouts before patting the spot beside him. I get up and walk over to the skeleton. He pulls me onto his lap and hugs me close.

"I have a feeling that we are going to be close friends." He snickers out , I giggle and turn to watch TV. This place is better then the blank place. I thought as I lean my head onto his shoulder.

That's it. I hope you all enjoyed this one. I was given some details about this sans and I found him very interesting. I'll also try to get back to writing soon. But it looks like I will have to change the posting time to Friday, or Monday. I don't know yet.

I hope you have a good day/night and you guys can always request what sans I should make a one shot about. You can PM or post a comment on this story.

Peace ✌️

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