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School. I actually like this place. I find studying, a way from getting out of stress.

"Aye, Jungwoo!" Haechan called out with a raised hand. I highfived it before bumping his shoulders.

"It's hyung for you." I smirked, but he only rolled his eyes.

"Early morning and I get a scolding?" I shrugged.

"I think you forgot your manners at home, kid."

"Yeah and you forgot your still young and not a balding old man." As expected from him, he's the sassy one next to Johnny.

"Where's Lucas?" After that question, I realized I entered the school without him by my side.

"I don't know. Maybe polluting the air again." Haechan laughed. Finally we reached the lockers.

"I'm not polluting the shtty air, Jungwoo. You are." I stuck out my tongue as I faced Yukhei. Who was an inch closer to my face.

"Bro, what the fat!" I swatted his face away. He laughed.

"You're so fun to tease with Jungwoo. Seriously? Fat? Can't think of anything better?" I scowled at him, slamming my locker shut I head my way to the classroom.

"You can't get away from me bro, we're classmates!" He jumped from behind me, causing me to almost trip.

"I just put my things inside my locker and I get back here to witness this?" Haechan ranted.

"Get the pancake off me, Yukhei! Do you think you're not heavy!?" I turned around many times to make him dizzy, but I was the only one dizzy.

He finally jumped off me, and it was his turn to stick out his tongue.

"You witch!" Because I can't say the B word.

"You can't even say female dog, gawd who made you so kind?" Haechan threw his arms in the air, rolling his eyes at the moment.

"Oh look, there's Mark." Yukhei said pointing at an imaginary Mark. Haechan quickly bid his 'see you later' heading to his class early.

"What did he do to deserve that?" I asked confused. Yukhei smirked, his arms layed on my shoulders again.

"He ruined our moment, Jungwoo." His lips made a pout as he frown. I covered his face with my hand, shoving it away.

"Shut up, it's not cute."

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