say goodbye

397 9 7

Jess pov

It was 4:30 am I had to get up so early today.

I put on a waterparks hoodie and black jeans. I also got my loony tunes shoes.

I brushed my hair and teeth and do my make up.

I got my stuff and waited for someone to get up.

An alarm started to blast a ring noise. I look up and see awsten grow some hatred for his phone.

He sighed and just got dressed and put on shoes.

"Ready?," he asked.

I nodded.

We got in awstens car and headed to school.

"So any reason your wearing God's favorite boy band's merch?,"he asked.

"To give the hints," i say.

"i see," he said.

He dropped me off and I headed to were I usually met some of my friends.

"Jesss!," said Mary.

"Hi mary," i say.

"Hey Jessika,"said Elias.

"Sup," i say.

"Of course your wearing that," mary said.

"You gotta love God's favorite boy band," i say.

Mary laughed.

"So I got adopted," i say.

"Oh my God Jess I'm so happy for you," they said.

"But I'm moving," i say.

"What were!?," she said.

"Huston," i say.

"Isnt that were waterparks is from?," she asked.

I nodded.

"when are you leaving?,"she asked.

"I believe tomorrow," i say.

"That sucks," she said.

"Want to know the best part?," I ask.

"Sure," said Elias.

"I met Awsten knight on Friday," i say.

"And I was adopted by him," i say.

"Oh my God,"said Mary going on the ground covering her mouth.

"Don't tell anyone yet I want to tell people on my own," i say.

"And you don't want Raynie to know she'll shit a brick," said Elias.

I laugh,"yeah,"i say.

I waved to them and walked into the lunch room to see Raynie.

"Bug!," i say.

"Kid!,"she yelled back.

I sat down at table were her and our other friend Jordan were sitting at.

"So I have some news," i say as I steal raynie's juicebox.

"What?," they both say at the same time.

"Your girl was adopted," i say.

"That's awesome," they both say.

"But," i say.

"Oh no what?," Ryanie said taking the juicebox back from me.

"Im moving to Huston," i say.

"WHAT," they both say getting a look from me and Jordan's social studies teacher.

"But I have more news," i say.

"Just stab me in the heart already," Raynie says very extra.

"I met Awsten Knight, on Friday," i say.

"Holy shit!," raynie says.

"Hughes no profanity," said Mr. Baca.

I pulled out my phone to show them.

"Oh my god you met him at work," said Jordan.

"Yeah I was very late to go back to the orpahnge," i say.

They laughed.

"Also," i say.

"Oh god," they both say.

"What happens when you add Awsten knight and Huston and me," i say.

They both shrugged.

"Idiots," i say.

"What?," they say.

"Awsten adopted me," i say.

"Holy shit," said Ryanie fangirling on the floor.

"They also saw the drawing you did of them, and they liked it," i say.

She sat up everyone in the room looking at us.

"Really people," i say.

They all turn away.

The bell rang and I went to robotics. We went to the computer lab and sat down next to Mary.

"Raynie know's," i say.

"I thought I herd her scream," she said.

I laughed.

"Wait today is my last Mrs. B is my favorite teacher and She's not here," i say.

"Just go to Google classroom and tell her in the private comments," said Mary.

"Thanks friend," i say.

She laughed as I left the message.

After robotics I go to advisory. Which is kinda like a homeroom.

I sat down and saw my friends Sabstion, Anna and whatever Lorenzo is.

"So guys," i say as I pull out my phone.

"What jimmy," Anna says.

See we all have nicknames for each other I'm Jimmy sabstion is Sally and Anna is mom. Yeah it was weird for like four days when me and sabstion dated.

"I was adopted," i say.

"Oh my God, good job jimms," Anna said.

I smiled.

"But I'm moving to Huston," i say.

"Wait why?," said Sally.

"Also i no longer can have you have your little jokes on awsten knight," i told Sabstion.

"Why?," he asked.

"Cause he adopted me," i said as It was no big deal.

"Oh my god," Anna said.

I laughed.

"Also today is my last day," i said.

"Noooo," Anna said.

And that's how the day went on. Except my friend Arely punching me very hard in the stomach. The same thing she did when our friend Derian left. She basically said our friendship is over and I hope you burn in hell.

I told only a few other people. I'm not gonna miss this school. Not this place was a living hell hold.

As the final bell rang i ran hurrying to find Raynie and Mary.

I hugged raynie and good bye that we will met again. Probably will end up sending alex gaskarth gifs to eachother on instagram later.

I walked to front of the school and waited for awsten.

I got in the car and we headed to the hotel.

"Why are you crying?," he asked me.

"I didnt even know i was," i say laughing.

"Man im gonna miss my friends," i say.

"Who freaked out the most?," he asked.

"My best friend Raynie," i say.

"oh wow," he said.

I laughed.

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