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Taehyung races throughout his house. He's freaking out. It's Wednesday, his and Jungkook's date is in a few hours.

Taehyung has the day planned out to the t, but he's really on edge.

What if the boy of his dreams, Jungkook, doesn't like it?

Taehyung has never been this anxious about a date, and he's had many dates. But, Taehyung hasn't been this excited for a date either.

He hopes Jungkook likes it.

Jungkook buttons up his shirt and looks back at the blonde who's laying on the bed.

Jungkook approaches the guy. "Pay up." He says, holding out his hand.

The blonde grabs his hand and pulls the raven-haired boy on top of him. "How 'bout a round two first?" He asks seductively, his hand trailing onto Jungkook's butt.

Jungkook grimaces and shakes his head, thinking about how much pain his ass will be in after round two. Plus, his date isn't that far off.

Jungkook doesn't like that he does this kind of thing. In fact, he almost hates himself for it. It's not exactly a prideful thing. He feels gross and ashamed, especially since his date is literally today and he shouldn't have done it, but Jungkook couldn't resist. The guy offered a large sum of money, more than Jungkook usually gets. He couldn't just turn it down.

Jungkook shakes his head. He pushes himself off of the male. "Just give me the money. I have stuff to do today."

The blonde sighs irritably and grabs his wallet from his jeans on the floor, pulling out a large amount. "Here you go." He hands it to Jungkook, who's already halfway out the door. He needs to get dressed.

"Are you sure? I'll pay extra." The guy calls after him.

Jungkook stops and looks back at the hopeful male.

"I'm sure."


Jin looks up from cutting vegetables and looks to Namjoon, who's sitting across the counter, watching him.

"What is so important that you're distracting me from making us a meal?" Jin asks, slightly annoyed.

"You're just so cute when you're focused. Sorry. Go back to what you were doing." Namjoon coos, staring intently at Jin.

Jin rolls his eyes and goes back to cutting vegetables. Suddenly, one of Jin's favorite songs starts playing, and he looks up at Namjoon, who plugged Jin's phone into the speakers.

Jin smiles, starting to sing to Symptoms by SHINee. He doesn't notice the way Namjoon watches him as Jin turns to the stove, pouring the chopped vegetables in a frying pan with the steak.

"Smells good, baby." Namjoon smiles and approaches Jin behind the counter, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"You always say that." Jin replies, turning around to face the comfortable boy.

"Because it's true, your cooking is amazing. You should start a restaurant or something." Namjoon suggests, squeezing Jin with his strong arms.

"Should I really? Nahh, you'll probably just burn it down with your clumsiness." Jin laughs.

"Hey now! That was so not necessary." Namjoon whines.

Jin pecks Namjoon on the lips before turning back to the food, which almost got burned due to Namjoon distracting him. Jin tsks and saves the food, shutting off the stove. "Help me set the table, you goofball."

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