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Jungkook wakes up to the sound of his alarm playing one of his favorite songs, "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. It's a Two Friends remix.

He dismisses it and kicks off his covers. He randomly picks out a pair of grey sweats and a white shirt. It's the boy's day off today, so he can do whatever he wants.

He takes a shower and brushes his teeth, before changing into his comfortable clothing and sitting on his bed again. He unplugs his phone and scrolls through his Instagram, smiling at all the likes and comments. He decides to take a selfie and post it, with some hashtags.

His phone almost immediately blows up with feedback. He just closes the app and puts his phone on the bedside table, laying back down. He'll check his phone again once everything is calm.

The tired boy sighs and rolls out of bed, going downstairs into the kitchen. He looks in the fridge for something to eat.

He pulls out a carton of eggs and milk. He shuts the fridge, grabbing the bread from off the counter.

He begins to make french toast, happily swaying his hips and humming. He turns around to face the counter and puts a k-cup into his Keurig, making himself a cup of coffee. Once it's done, he pops in two sweetners and picks it up, taking his plate and drink to the table.

He starts eating his french toast, occasionally taking sips of his coffee. Suddenly, he feels a hand land on his shoulder. He jumps in fright, falling off his chair. He curses loudly.

He looks up with a glare at the grinning silver-haired boy standing above him, who's laughing his ass off at Jungkook.

Taehyung helps Jungkook back up, who crosses his arms and looks at the older.

"Why are you in my house?"

Taehyung chuckles lowly. "I don't know. I just had an urge."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "That's not a good enough reason." He retorts.

"Well, I gotta follow my instincts, ya know?" The older replies, following Jungkook's actions as he sits down again. He sits beside Jungkook and watches the younger moodily eat the rest of his breakfast.

Jungkook is slightly annoyed at the fact that Taehyung is at his house at nearly ten in the morning, but for the most part, he's happy about it. He couldn't stop thinking about the bright individual last night.

Jungkook finishes his breakfast, drinking the rest of his coffee. He gets up and washes his plate, filling his cup with more coffee. The young boy can't operate properly anymore without at least three cups of coffee in the morning.

Jungkook turns back around to face Taehyung, who's staring at him intensely. A light blush coats the boy's cheeks, noticing this.

He crosses his arms and stares back at the older. This goes on for about ten seconds before Jungkook coughs awkwardly.

"Do you want anything?" Jungkook asks, motioning to the fridge.

Taehyung smiles, sending a shiver down Jungkook's spine. What's up with him? "Do you have orange juice?"

Jungkook nods absentmindedly, grabbing a glass and pouring the orange juice. He turns and gives it to Taehyung, who mumbles a quiet 'thank you'.

Jungkook walks into the living room, the older following close behind. He flops down onto the couch and lifts his feet to rest on the coffee table. Taehyung sits beside him, silently sipping his orange juice.

"Do you want to watch anything?" Jungkook asks, finally breaking the silence.

Taehyung looks to Jungkook and nods. "Yeah, sure."

Jungkook stands and walks to his DVD shelf. "There's never anything I want to watch on tv, so I have a habit of collecting these." Jungkook says, fingers tracing the titles.

Taehyung hums, interested. "You have so many. How much money do you spend on them?" He asks curiously.

Jungkook shrugs, taking out a few cases. "I just, I guess I just collected them over the past few years. I have more, but this shelf won't hold them all, so I just keep them in my closet.." Jungkook replies, finally turning around. "I've spent a couple thousand dollars on movies my whole life, not including the equipment." He informs, motioning to the ultra 4k and his massive surround sound system.

Taehyung raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "You really love movies, don't you?"

Jungkook nods, smiling. "I used to want to be an actor when I was younger. I was even in a horror film once when I was nine or ten, I audienced for a part and they gave it to me right on the spot." Jungkook says, reminiscing over his past, smiling softly.

Taehyung gapes at the raven-haired boy. "I don't even know what to say."

Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly. "Just don't say anything. I'm over it."

Taehyung nods, suddenly giving Jungkook his infamous boxy smile. "So, what are the choices?" He asks excitedly.

Jungkook holds up the movies. "The Silenced, Train to Busan, or we can watch One Million Yen Women. It's a series."

"One Million Yen Women!" Taehyung gushes, clapping his hands. "I've been wanting to watch it since it came out, but I haven't had the time."

Jungkook smiles at the cute site, putting the other two movies away. He puts the disk into the blu ray player, turns off the lights, and rushes back to sit next to Taehyung.

He presses play on the first episode and turns up the surround sound, so that they can get the full experience. Jungkook cuddles into his blanket and watches the show.

After a few minutes, he looks over to Taehyung, who's sitting on the other side of the couch. He raises an eyebrow as the boy looks at him. He lifts the blanket, and Taehyung smiles, scooting closer to the younger. Jungkook covers the two with the blanket, the sides of their thighs touching.

The two spend most of the time like that. They get through seven episodes before Jungkook notices Taehyung, who seems to have fallen asleep on his shoulder. The boy smiles softly and wraps his arms around the boy's shoulders, laying him down across the couch. He covers the sleeping boy with the blanket, a warm feeling spreading throughout his face when he notices how cute Taehyung is when he's asleep. He's not as intimidating.

Jungkook pauses the show and taps his foot, looking back to the boy, who's slightly snoring now. He smiles and tiptoes through the living room, making sure not to wake Taehyung.

He goes up the stairs and into his room, sitting on his bed. He takes his phone from the bedside table and unlocks it. He opens Instagram and checks his notifications, smiling at the nice comments. This time, he pays no mind to the hateful comments, in too much of a good mood to really care.

But the raven-haired boy supposes he should be grateful for his haters, because without them, he would've never met Taehyung, the kind of man who sneaks into his house early in the morning and gives him butterflies.

Jungkook blushes at his thoughts, flustered.

The boy puts his phone on the charger and lays back against his bed. He snuggles into his blankets and quickly falls asleep, even though it's barely six. The boy is tuckered out from paying so much attention to the guy who's currently asleep on his couch.

He doesn't realize it, but he's slowly becoming smitten with the silver-haired boy.

He doesn't realize it either when Taehyung sneakily comes up to Jungkook's room and falls on his bed, cuddling into the younger's side.


i technically winged this chapter, but it's not really a filler. So I hope its still good. I'm not gonna edit it im too lazy for that.


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