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"Baby, come here."

Jungkook stops and looks to the slightly older male, looking about twenty four, sitting alone at a table. The man has dark red hair and a seductive smile. He's quite attractive.

Jungkook goes to the man's table and sits beside him, crossing his legs. "Do you need anything?" Jungkook asks, smiling slightly.

"Um, yes. I need youu.." The man slurs.

Jungkook looks at all the empty shot glasses littered across the table and slowly shakes his head. "Sorry, sir, I don't serve drunk customers." The raven-haired boy replies.

It's not a rule in general, it's just a thing Jungkook goes by, no one else. Jungkook wants men to be in their right mind when they ask for his body. They could be going through things and just using the boy as a way to relieve grief or any other feeling. Of course, you don't have to be drunk to use people, but Jungkook just feels better knowing that the man's choice is not a drunken one.

Despite Jungkook's denial, the man just scoffs. "Bullshit, isn't that you're job? To pleasure m-me?"

Anger flares through the slightly younger boy. "No, my job is to entertain on stage, I'm not entitled to give anyone my body, let alone you, or any other drunk. What I do is a choice, you asshole."

The red head huffs angrily, and gives Jungkook a hateful look.

Jungkook stands to walk away, but the man grabs his wrist and tugs him harshly onto his lap.

"Come on, just a lap d-dance then, hum?" The man begs. "Just give me something."

Jungkook frowns at the desperate guy. He suddenly feels bad for him, noticing the pain in his eyes. Jungkook wonders who broke this man's heart.

Jungkook presses a soft kiss to the man's cheek before getting off of him. The raven-haired boy frowns as he notices the silent tears treading down the man's face. "Are you going to be okay?" Jungkook asks, concerned.

The red head just waves off the worried boy, turning away from him. Jungkook frowns and steps away.

Jungkook continues the rest of the night walking around and performing occasionally.

It's only at the dark hours of the night that Jungkook finally realizes.

He finally looks around and notices the sad looks on most peoples' faces when they're sitting alone.

And it couldn't be more heartbreaking.

Jungkook finally gets home. He goes in, the door unlocked since Taehyung was the last to leave.

The house is silent and dark, as it always is. Sometimes Jungkook hates living alone, because he is always lonely. The house feels too big, too empty. Jungkook hates it, but only when he's at his worst. Which would happen to be tonight.

Jungkook tiredly heads upstairs into his room and flops down onto his bed. He suddenly feels the emptiness in his heart get stronger, and the boy loses all grip of who he is in just one second.

It's that easy.

Jungkook can't cry, can't do anything. All he can do is feel the darkness take over, and his mind slowly becomes unbearable, and all Jungkook wants to do is sleep. But he can't do that either.

So he just sinks into the covers of his bed.

Thoughts swirl around Jungkook's mind until he hears a ding. He picks up his phone from his bedside table, looking at his notifications. A small smile comes onto the previously depressed boy's face as he realizes Taehyung messaged him.

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now