part eleven

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His eyelids feel heavy, there is an uncomfortable wall is pressed into his spine. Eyes slowly opening the boy sees nothing but darkness, he is laying on his side in the corner of what seems to be a very small room. Groaning with the effort of moving the boy tries to push himself up into a sitting position. As he waits for his vision to adjust the boy attempts to understand his surroundings; the smell, the smell is awful, pungent. The walls of the strange place feel like gates, like a chain link fence.

Slowly the boy senses his surroundings becoming more defined as his eyes adjust to the extreme darkness. The room he's in is small, very small. There are crates surrounding him and a few wire cages, the walls around him feel like they are closing in on him. Feeling claustrophobic the boy rises onto shaky legs, afraid the floor (also complied of thin metal wires) will fall out from under him. Placing his trembling right hand against the cold metal of the wall, attempting to stay calm and keep his breathing steady the boy walks around the perimeter of the box-like room. Counting out the corners of the room as he passes them the boy finds himself back where he started sooner than he would have expected. Heart dropping into his stomach the boy leans his forehead against the wall, the only sounds around him are the unsettling creaking of metal and his own heartbeat radiating in his ears.

Concentrating on his unsteady breathing the boy is caught of guard when a large alarm sounds from somewhere above him. Head whipping upwards the boy peers into the darkness, trying to see something, anything that could have produced that noise. Terrifying thoughts swirl through his brain, what could have possibly got him in this situation? There's a throbbing ache in his ear and temples, for the first time since opening his eyes a horrifying realization hits the boy. He can't remember a thing. Straining his mind for any information seems to push any facts farther out of his reach. Anxiety quickly entering his bloodstream he attempts to calm down, instead of getting ahead of himself by trying to find any random memories he starts with the basics. His name, what was his name? A choked sob rises from the boy's throat and he has to cover his mouth with his hand to stop him from throwing up.

He can't even remember his name.

This thought is suddenly ripped from his mind as the box he's in jerks upwards. The shock of the floor shifting beneath him sends the boy tumbling onto his hands and knees, his face smacking against the metal on the floor. The metallic taste of blood floods the boy's mouth, causing him to spit it out on the floor. The room begins to rise, the sound of chains and pulleys come from all around him. Curling into a tight ball the boy wraps his arms around his legs, sobbing into his knees. He can't remember anything but the boy is confident this is the most terrifying moment of his life. He doesn't even know how old he is, what he looks like, where he lives, if he has a family. For all he knows maybe this is life, maybe this is what happens when you're brought into the world. Somehow he knows that that can't be true, this is wrong; something has been stolen from him.

The box gains speed, rapidly shooting up the shaft in which it resides, the walls shake furiously all around him. Crates threaten to topple on top of him, crushing him instantly, but they don't ever reach that point. Almost as soon as his journey started it's come to a halting stop. The box grinds to a halt so fast the boy feels his body rise from the floor for a moment before he slams back down, his body aching all over.

Groaning in pain the boy contemplates pushing himself up again when he suddenly stops, holding his breath to strain his hearing the boy focuses on the noises above him. He's not sure if it's the pounding heart in his chest mixed with the ringing silence around him playing tricks on him, but the boy swears he can hear muffled shouting raining down from above him.

Closing his eyes to focus solely on the voices - an act that is unnecessary as he is already surrounded by complete blackness -  the boy can't understand anything the voices are saying but suddenly, very distinctly, all the voices cut out. Once again he is trapped in a painful silence, fear creeping back into his heart, pushing out all the curiosity, the boy hears his voice for the first time when he screams out. His shout rings in the small box before it floats upward to the source of his terror, a large split down the middle of the sky above him has appeared and it seems to be growing bigger quickly.

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