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I am falling.

It's as if the darkness is swallowing me up. I can't move, I can't defend myself, I can't fight. I just let it wash over me, surrender.

Why can't I do anything about it?

Why can't I fight anymore?

I've given up, even though I never wanted to, but why?

The cold grips me. My limbs feel like they are going to burst. I feel pain, deep pain, nothing but pain. Why is there no more light in the darkness? Am I going to hell? Is this death?

It feels like I'm being torn apart. The pain increases until I can do nothing but scream silently. Every corner of my mind is filled with pure pain.

Then, all of a sudden, it is gone. There is only silence, only weightlessness. And then it pulls me down again until I'm on the ground and the picture clears. I can see again, the darkness fades. I blink and suddenly I am in a completely new world.

Is this the other side? The other side that has actually been destroyed?

Where am I?

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