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With Mackenzie & Taylor❤️

~Mackenzie's P.O.V.~

Their was ringing all of the room.I wake up,my alarm.I hit it and start to get ready.It was 7:00,got to head out at 7:30 am!Pulled my hair up into a ponytail and put on my workout clothes.I also put my shoes and tied them quickly.Called for sparky,"Mya?Come here girl."She comes and exicted ofcourse because she knows she's going on a walk.When I was done wrapping the leash around her body,I grabbed a apple and headed out.Checked the time 7:27!Warmed up for 3 minutes and started jogging through the park.By the way I was wearing a sports bra and workout tights.All of me by John legend was playing through my ears.I looked down and when I looked up I bupped into someone.I thought I was on the floor but a guy was holding me.

~Taylor's P.O.V.~

I was their and my whole world stopped and the only two people in the world was me and her.She was amazingly beautiful!I still kept her in my arms,while looking into her eyes.Until she got up and said,"Sorry I wasn't paying attention,but thanks for catching me!"I replied,"It's alright it was totally worth it!"She smiled and I smiled,which gave me butterflies."I'm Mackenzie,"she said."Oh the names Taylor,"I said.She said,"Are you new here because I always come here and I never seen you before."I said,"Yeah I bearly moved here yesterday."She replied,"Yeah you don't look like any of the guys here."While making a weird face to herself."How am I different,"I asked."Well body wise,you have a really nice body,"She said.I smiled and looked down I forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt."Well thanks but you actually have the a perfect body!How do you stay fit,"I asked.She had a four pack and big boobs and butt😜."Well I eat like a fatass and don't gain but do run alot and exsercise,"She said.We both laugh and look at eachother in the eyes.

~Mackenzie's P.O.V.~

He was so hot and dreamy!We kept looking at eachother.He had a eight back and a bandanna.Those are the things that caught my eye.He asked,"You want to hangout sometime."I replied,"As you mean a date?He replied,"Haha yeah."He looked nervous.I smile and say,"Yeah sure."But inside my body wanted to go crazy!I got up and we hugged and said our goodbyes.When I was going to turn around he ran back and asked for my number."It's (456)012-789,"I said.

~Taylor's P.O.V.~

I said,"Kay thanks,I'll call you!"

I can already tell she's the one,her eyes.She is so gorgeous omg!Can't wait so I texted,"Mackenzie?"But when I turned around I forgot I brought my dog Max.He was hupping her dog I think and she was trying to pull them apart.I start to laugh at her struggle and run to her."Is this your dog,"she asked.I replied,"Yeah Max."She said,"Well can you help me?"You know when their stuck it means the girl is going to get pregnant,"I said.She stopped trying and got up."Well are they going to stay like that for a long time,"she asked."No I don't think so,"I said.We waited and laughed together loudly.Finally they were apart and we said are good byes again and I said,"Good job Max."I think she heard dm because she turned around and eyed me.I smiled and walked away.

A shoutout to @mackenzie18lyn srry I took long!I was very busy with basketball but I hope you like it :)!

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