It's Our Anniversary P1 [P85]

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Janet's POV

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear, Jan, Dunk, Queen, Damita-"

I burst out laughing as I continued to sway to the song and adjust my birthday crown. Once they were done, everyone cheered and I grinned. Elle smiled wide and kissed my cheek before I leant down and blew out the candles.

There was no hesitation in me figuring out what I wanted to wish for because I already knew what I wanted ever since Elle and I had been together. I wanted us to grow old and live happily ever after with our children. Nothing else. The world could burn up around us in its corruption, but as long as my family and I were safe, all would be okay.

"..maaaa!" Everyone giggled at Eissa as he grew frustrated from us not giving him a taste of the cake yet. I grabbed him from Elle and smothered him in kisses before turning back to the cake. I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows seeing a small chunk of the cake missing. Elle.

I chuckled and shook my head, knowing that her cravings were probably the cause of this. As I turned to look at her, I gasped at the feeling of cake being smushed against my lips and cheek. Everyone laughed while Elle licked her fingers clean and Eissa pressed his mouth against my cheek, trying to lick the cake off.

"You're going to pay for that later on." She smirked,

"What? You wanna eat my cake and lick the icing off too?" I laughed hard along with everyone and rolled my eyes, pulling her into me. Our lips met for a quick kiss before I went to cut the cake. "Wait!" I glanced at Elle,

"What's wrong?"

"Cut your picture out." I snickered,


"Because, I love eating you." Her and Gil fell out laughing along with everyone else.

"You're corny." Gil snickered and shook his head,

"Maybe that's why you two work so well together." I squinted at him,

"Are you calling me corny?" He shrugged while Eissa wiped the cake off my face and licked his fingers,

"Maybe." I giggled watching him flip his hair. What a trip. The screen behind me held all the incoming birthday wishes from my fans through twitter. Elle gasped and pointed to it as we finally settled down in the club and ate.

"They're adorable. I love your fans!" I glanced over to the screen and smiled, reading a few of the comments.

"Happy 52nd birthday, Queen! Don't get too turnt tonight! #JanetsBirthdayBash #Royaltybisshhh"

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