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Tom made soup that night to try and help Tord with his nausea. He got up and yelped again from the blood rush. Once he got back in the bed Tom took his temperature to see he had a temp of 100.3.
"Damn Tord...you really are sick huh?" Tom said in a sympathetic and worried tone. Tord was just breathing heavily and suddenly sat up.
"T-Tom...trashcan..." Tord said, putting his hand on Tom's arm. Tom looked confused.
"What?" Tom said, tilting his head a bit.
"GET THE TRASHCAN!" Tord yelled, his voice cracking a bit since he could just now talk. He puthis hand to his mouth and Tom got the point. He grabbed the small garbage can they kept in that room and held it up to Tord who almost instantly threw up in it. Tom rubbed his back as he continued to hurl.

"I think it's these pain pills...I'm gonna call the base and see what they think okay? Here I'll put on a movie! Will that make you feel better?" Tom said with a smile. Tord grinned.
"Smurfs! Also can I have some water maybe?..." Tord said kinda groggily. Tom giggled and nodded. He turned on one of the Smurf's movies(I told you this is based...again BASED I didn't actually do some of this...but it was based off what happened/is happening to me...I wanted to watch smurfs okay! Netflix...) and got him a glass of water before calling the base. They said they call in some new medication for him that wasn't so strong and to take only half the pain pill. Tom walked back in to check on Tord to see him fast asleep. He chuckled to himself and went back to the living room to watch regular people TV. Tord woke up. He was a bit sad he didn't get to finish his movie, but he wanted in the living room. Now Tord hated not being independent, so he tried getting up by himself. He succeeded, got to the door, fucking nausea. He groaned and leaned against the wall. Tom walked over to see him and gasped.
"Tord what are you doing out of bed?!" Tom yelled, sitting him back up straight.
"I just wanted to go to the living room...I can't do it...the stomach pain is too much jeez..." Tord groaned, making his way back to bed. Tom sighed and helped him get back up.
"It's late Tordy...go to sleep..." Tom said, tucking him in like a child.
"But I want to be around you!" Tord said with a sad face. Tom sighed.
"Do you want me to sleep in here with you?" Tom asked, not knowing if he should even ask. Tord nodded and Tom rolled his voids. He crawled into the bed with Tord and covered both him and Tord up.
"God I hate sleeping on my back...I can't move though..." Tord said with a groan.
"Just try Tord...it hasn't been hard for you to sleep all day! Now you're complaining?" Tom said with a little chuckle.
"Can you turn smurfs back on?" Tord said with a cat smile. Tom put a pillow on Tords face and yelled at him to go back to sleep.

The next morning came around and Tom saw Tord was gone.
"Tord?!" He yelled, sitting up.
"Yea!" He yelled back from down the hall. Tom got up and saw Tord brushing his teeth in the bathroom.
"What up?" Tord asked, leaning on one of his crutches.
"You...got up by yourself?" Tom said with shock.
"Yea...took me twenty minuets but I got in here!" Tord said with a chuckle, finding his mouth out. Tom grinned as he shook his head.
"You think you can eat something other than saltines?" Tom asked, leaning against the doorway. Tord thought for a second before shaking his head. Tom sighed but still smiled a bit.
"It's okay! As long as you can eat something!" Tom said, walking into the kitchen. Tord wobbled over to the living room and tried to sit in the recliner but ended up causing himself more pain.
"Let me help you, damn!" Tom yelled, lifting Tord's leg as he scooted back.
"I hate people helping me...I can do it by myself!" Tord huffed, crossing his arms. Tom wasn't amused.
"You're gonna really hate this next part then..." Tom mumbled, looking to the side.
"What?" Tord said, honestly sort of scared.
"I have to help you get in the shower and stuff...you aren't aloud to get that brace wet so we have to wrap it in a trash bag and you have to sit on this chair...out shower head comes off though so you can just have it beside you..." Tom said, shrugging a bit, going back to the kitchen. Tord blushed a bit.
"HELL NO! I AM NOT-" Tord starts to yell but started coughing.
"See! What did we learn? I'm not gonna take everything off you or anything commie...you can take off your underwear yourself! I'll just be wrapping the trash bag around your leg jeez...unless you need help getting your leg on the side of the tub cause if you really need help I won't say no..." Tom said, coming back with the saltines. Tord just stared.
"What?! I'm just trying to help you! You act like I'm the last person you want seeing your dick and we both know that isn't true..." Tom said with a smirk, throwing the crackers at Tord who just continued to blush speechlessly.

Tom laughed.
"Cat got your tongue? Or are you mute again?" Tom said giggling a little. Tord just growled and munched on his saltines.
"I'm not taking a shower until I get this thing off..." Tord said with a growl.
"A week? You're seriously gonna go a week? Well guess what I'm not letting you! Now finish that so you can take your medicine and I can get you clean! You need one anyway you were sick yesterday! It'd make you feel better so hurry up! I'm gonna get the water hot!" Tom yelled, trailing off to the bathroom. Tord started to protest and just sat there, blushing like crazy and dreading the next few moments.

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