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Tom woke up to the bed shaking a bit. It was pitch black in the room and he heard light whimpers and sniffing. He leaned over and turned the light on. Tord was sitting up, sobbing his eyes out.
"Tord? You okay?" Tom said, sitting up as well.
"I-I'm Sorry...I'm so sorry! I made your life hell ever since orphan days! Make these nightmares stop! IM SORRY!" Tord yelled, holding his head. Tom sat in awe and sighed.
"You've been having nightmares?" Tom asked, scooting a bit closer. Tord nodded.

"Lay back down need all the sleep you can get...if you have another nightmare tell me and we'll do something okay..." Tom said, pushing Tord back down to where he was laying down.
"I'm too scared to go back to sleep..." he whispered. Tom laid back down and wrapped his arms around Tord and snuggled him.
"I know you can't lay on your side...but I need you to go back to sleep...shhh..." Tom said quietly, petting Tord's hair. He eventually got tired again and snuggled against Tom, feeling his chest lift and sink back down slowly and hearing his heart beat. It was soothing. He got back to sleep and no more nightmares were had that night. Tom got up and saw it was Monday. He sighed. He had been gone so long he knew his boss was going to kill him. He asked Edd to watch over Tord, since he worked as an animator from home. He agreed and Tom was off to work. He worked with a moving company and had to wear an ugly colored tan shirt with a boring logo and these navy pants that matched the color of the logo. Plus his name tag.

"THOMAS!" He heard his boss, Eric yell as he walked in. His boss was from Spain, and had olive skin with dark hair and bright green eyes. He always had a smile on his face but was scary as shit.
"Hey!" Tom waved nervously.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Eric yelled, coming out from his office that was almost right in front of the front door.
" old friend got hit by a truck and had surgery...I've been taking care of him..." Tom said with a smile. No use in lying I guess.
"Tch...really? What friend is this?" Eric said, leaning against a counter with a smirk.
"His name is Tord...he almost killed me once but I forgave him and now I'm trying to help him...listen boss, I'm sorry I wasn't there anything I can do for you?" Tom said, hanging his head a bit. Eric chuckled.
"Get behind the fucking counter before I rip your eyes out Thomas..." Eric said sternly, walking back into his office, a smile still on his face. Tom shook a bit and nodded. He wasn't the only one that worked there, he didn't really talk to his co-workers though. He heard them always talk about him anyways. High school all over again.

It was a long day of lifting heavy ass boxes and dealing with people. Tom finally walked into his apartment. God he hated his job. He's contemplated just working at a fast food place. For some reason the movers were paid very well. Probably because it was the city or something. He only did it to keep his apartment. He sighed and saw Tord asleep on the couch, Alice in Wonderland playing on the TV. Edd was in the kitchen, drinking cola and reading. He looked up and smiled seeing Tom.
"Hey Tom! How was your day?" Edd asked, closing the book and standing up.
"Shit...what about Tord? Was he trouble?" Tom asked, resting his hand on the side of the couch.

"Not much, he just cries a lot...over nothing..." Edd said with a giggle. Tom smiled at that. It was funny that medicine was making Tord, the infamous Red Leader into a fucking crybaby! Edd said goodbye and left. Tord groaned in his sleep, but stilled after a bit. Tom stared the whole time, making sure he didn't wake up. It was 6:46 now, so Tom started on dinner. It was just the boxed pasta with some prego sauce and some garlic bread. He heard soft whimpers and shifting, thinking it was Tord waking up, Tom went into the living room to see Tord still asleep. He was sweating and breathing heavily. He could see tears about to fall.
"Shit another nightmare..." Tom said, healing down in front of the child and started petting his hair just like last night. He calmed down after a while and Tom smiled.

He stood back up and finished making dinner. He put the plates on the coffee table and sat on the far edge of the couch. He leaned over and shook Tord, trying to wake him up. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes.
"Tom..." Tord said quietly and happily with a small smile, still half asleep.
"I'm home...I made dinner..." Tom whispered, petting Tord's hair again. Shhh it was soft. Tord sat up and saw the food and fully woke up.
"PASTA!" He yelled throwing his hands in the air. He giggled while eating. Tom stared and smiled, blushing a bit. Tord looked up and looked confused.
"What?" He said, tilting his head to the side.
"N-nothing..." Tom said, turning back to the TV to see a rabbit and hatter yelling no room. They finished and Tord looked tired again.
"You wanna take a shower?" Tom asked making Tord look up with a sad expression. He nodded and looked down.
"It's okay just gotta call me when it hurts and I can help you okay..." Tom said, picking up the plates and taking them to the kitchen.
"No..." Tord mumbled, crossing his arms. Tom looked unamused walking back in.
"Tord Lincoln I swear to god if you're in that much pain I'm helping you! It's not like I've never seen your dick anyway..." Tom said, walking back into the kitchen and turning the water on, rinsing the plates off.
"YOU HAVE?!" Tord yelled, blushing like mad.
"Um yea? Jeez you're really sensitive right now aren't you? Summer of sophomore year you got drunk at a pool party and you and this other guy took off your swim trunks and danced on a table to David Bowie!" Tom said, drying his hands.
"It was hilarious!" Tord just stared, not remembering at all. He just blushed harder and looked away.
"Aw Tord! Nothing to be embarrassed about we were just teens..." Tom said, starting to walk into the hallway. Before he did though he leaned down and whispered to Tord.
"That other guy was me by the way..." making Tord turn the color of his hoodie.

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