Chapter Seven

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We sat in silence for a few more minutes and then he said he had to go. We said our goodbyes and he left. I didn't know how to respond to his confession. I felt the same way but it felt so soon. It had been two weeks! Just two weeks!

At school he smiled at me but didn't talk to me. I never saw him at lunch so I figured he sat with Haley. He hasn't got coffee. He doesnt talk to me anymore.

I miss him.

I was sitting in my car at lunch scrolling through my phone. I felt lonely. I hated this feeling and it was times like this that made me want to get away the most. I want freedom so much, like real adult freedom. You dont have to tell anyone anything freedom. Im itching for that.

I scroll through my contact list looking at how dry it is. All of it is family members who only talk to me when its my birthday. Then I see his name. I want to call him. I have yet to use his number but I really want to right now.

My thumb hovers over the green call button and then it lands. I put the phone up to my ear and wait for an answer.

"Cara?" Jonathon says on the other line.


"Are you alright? Whats going on?" He asks.

What is going on? Why am I calling? I dont know.

"You wanna come eat lunch with me in my car? I mean if you aren't busy or anything."

I hear him smile "Sure. You in the parking lot?"


"Give me a second. Ill be right out."


A few minutes later he is tapping on my window.

At first it is awkward. We havent talked in a few days and the last time we did talk he confessed his feelings.

"Did you really mean what you said the other day?"

Crap. Why did I ask that?

"If there is one thing I'm not its a liar."

I can tell he is being honest. I dont know how but i just do. "Where do you want to go from here?" He asks me. I didn't expect this for sure. I have a crush on him, I know that. I know he likes me too but does he want to date?

I have never had a boyfriend and the only time I kissed a boy was in seventh grade and it was a dare. It was awful to say the least.

"I like you too Jonathan. Its up to you where you want to go." I tell him. Nervously glancing in his direction.

"Are you just saying that?" 

"Wh-no! Honestly."

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. I grab his hand and reply "Yes."


It has been two weeks since Jonathan and I have started dating. I think everyone knows but no one has asks - well at least me -. I don't mind everyone knowing. I want to show him off. He might just be the best thing to happen to me. We hold hands in the hallway and he kisses my cheek when we depart. Most days we eat lunch in my car together. Sometimes the library.

I feel bad though he doesn't sit with his friends anymore but he tells me he doesn't like them.

"I want to take you on a date. This Friday." He tells me. We are sitting in class doing independent work.

"Really?" I ask.

"Well, yeah. You're my girlfriend." He bumps his shoulder with mine, something I love.

"Okay where?"

"Let's go the fair."

"Oh my god yes! I love the fair and I have always said its the most perfect date."

He smiles his award winning smile that I love "Great. Ill pick you up at six."

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