(Brian) Home

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A/N: I thought I'd show you an example of my writing and if you like it you can leave a comment down below and request an imagine (:

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The door creaked loudly in the otherwise silent home and Brian held his breathe because it was very late and he didn't want to wake the sleeping girl. Moments seemed to last an eternity but when he felt secure, he moved forward and closed the door. He let out a sigh of relief.

The tour had finally ended and Brian could not be any more happier getting back on the jet that would take them home. Home seemed so far but now glancing out the window from the cab ride, he could almost grasp it with his lengthy fingers. Then he wouldn't feel so alone anymore.

Brian always felt distant from people. Even with moments where it seemed he finally belonged, something would happen to cause the other person to make it clear he would never fully be loved by them. It hurt at first because you never expect it from your family, much less the woman that birthed you, but with time he grew to accept the concept. Which is why (although very cowardly) he ran from his children. How could he possibly stand to raise a child that would grow to hate him? He knew that possibility would be the end of him and he could only stand so much pain so decided it was best to keep his distance being fully aware the children would end up upset at him for it.

But that's how he lived for 27 years of his life. Keeping his distance and being aware he would always be the outsider. Even Anita, a girl he loved despite her being so cold and distant, threw his insecurities in his face and would belittle him. In the end she had left him for Keith just as he predicted and although it hurt he knew it was the best thing that could possibly happen to him. That relationship took a toll on him however and Brian swore he wouldn't date anyone anytime soon or possibly ever.

Then he met her.

So full of love and as warm as the sun on a spring day. She had been a member of the crowd although hardly was just another pretty face. Brian was awestruck and he almost missed his part being sat cross legged on the sitar ready for Paint it Black. Mick had scolded him later on for it when the show was over but Brian payed no attention as he anxiously glanced towards the door waiting and hoping she had received the note he had hastily scrawled and given to a security guard. It was impulsive really but then again Brian was rather forward. He felt different looking at her and the thought of her made his heart race. Brian was anxious she had slipped away from his fingers. So after minutes of girls coming in and out but none being her, his smile wavered and he turned away just as there was a small knock on the door. Immediately he bolted up and dashed for the door.

It was her and a pretty girl he assumed was her friend though he didn't give more than a glance over before his eyes moved back to the flushed face girl that made his insides churn with excitement.

"Hi!" The friend called and went off on a speech of how honored they were to be meeting The Rolling Stones in person and he ignored the ramble noticing she had yet to speak and even with rosy cheeks she held his gaze boldly.

Thankfully Mick had made an appearance and had pulled the friend away to give her a backstage tour. So Brian and the girl he had yet to know were left alone.

"Hi." He had almost whispered and immediately regretted it but pushed the insecurity down.

She seemed to study him for a moment and he held his breathe before a warm smile spread across her face and she stuck a hand out. "Hi," She returned and it might have looked casual but in their world and even if they didn't know it yet, it meant so much more.

That was the start of something very beautiful.

She had a radiant glow to her and was in his eyes the complete opposite of any girl he's ever dated. She was very friendly, had a wild and crazy smile that made his knees buckle and a warm laugh that would cause anyone to laugh along. She radiated happiness and was so full of life it made him feel insecure during the first stages of the relationship and frankly a bit overwhelmed because how could one person have so much of an impact on him?

He had almost thought to pull away already anticipating heartbreak but she was quick to reassure him she was crazy about him and that was all it took for him to nod his head once more and kiss her all over again as if it was for the first time.

They had been dating for 5 years now and even then Brian was nervous to see her as he lit a cigarette and just waited for the cab to come to a full stop. When it did he almost jumped out and skipped to the front door.

The other Stones had invited him for a night out to drink but he respectively declined as he bid them a goodnight with a promise to go to rehearsals next week and with that left the other boys standing there dumbstruck. Of course, they had been puzzled since Brian did enjoy a night drinking as much as the next guy and they didn't understand his eager rush to get home but then again they weren't in a serious relationship— aside from Charlie. He had also watched Brian speed off with a small smile before too declining and headed back home.

"They're missing out." Mick bitterly scoffed before shaking it off with his nose in the air and led them to a pub where they would surely get lucky.

"Wait I think Brian took my luggage."

As Brian scanned the living room he noticed she had changed things since the last time he was here. The coffee table was new and there was a new lamp besides the couch left on as it illuminated her sleeping form. The idea of her waiting for him to get home made his insides melt as he set Bill's duffel bag down and walked towards her. She had been reading a book since it was left open on the table. He crouched to kiss her cheek careful to not wake her just yet.

Brian hadn't recalled a time where he was as happy as he was now.  He was 32 and was content with the possibility of settling down with the woman he was so in love with. His 20's were gone and they were filled with such wild times he would always remember but they were nothing to him really as he only ever really felt alive when he was with her.  She had brought him so much happiness and was helping him bring happiness to others. He had a stable and loving relationship with his kids and was even excited to start the role again as he lightly grazed her growing belly. He had slowly stopped taking drugs meant to make him feel something since with her he felt as if feeling for the first time so eventually gave them up all together. But she would never take credit for it because that was all Brian's doing (though he saw it different). He was forever grateful to her for pulling him out of the rut he was in and was set on believing she had saved his career— and his life. They had been so close to firing him and even with the new Mick replacing him, he was free to try exotic instruments and experiment with different sounds while still be a part of his band.

Brian Jones finally felt loved and that helped him grow to love himself. The chaotic rush and down spiral his life was headed in finally turn a turn and he was so proud of the person he was today. So all insecurities he had slowly were thrown out the window and as Brian kissed her cheek once more, officially waking her as she stirred, he knew he was gonna marry her.

Her eyes widened at seeing him and she threw her arms around him.

"Hi." She whispered when she was done kissing him.

He looked at her and saw his future and it seemed so bright and Brian had so much hope.


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