(Charlie) Sensible Charlie

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A/N: Why do I keep writing such nonsense. This one-shot doesn't particularly end happy but it isn't really miserable either ?¿ It's more angst than anything so idk I'm trying out a new thing and I hope you like it (:

Also I made Charlie somewhat square (like exaggerated) and lol whoops it's suppose to reflect opposites attract and all that bs idk


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Sensible Charlie.

Always leaving a party before it got out of hand. Never exited his house without dress shoes on or with a shirt wrinkled in any possible way. Drank only a glass of wine; not a sip more nor a sip less. Was in bed by 9 and up at 6 bright and early. Preferred silence over a party any day of the week. The voice of reason and the designated driver. Drank his coffee black though enjoyed his tea more than anyone could even begin to understand.

The quiet and more reserved member of The Rolling Stones. The one the media mocked for being an awkward fit. This was oftentimes a question asked to him in interviews though he was hardly interested in investing his time in listening. They always skipped over him anyways. Still, when they did ask it was always along the lines of how he could ever be a part of such a wild group.

You look so out of place!, they'd comment.

They didn't understand he was a key component to the success of the world famous band— they all were. But whilst Bill was regarded for his cool rock star look and Mick, Keith, and Brian took turns fighting for the limelight, Charlie stayed unnoticed pushed to the corner of every picture. He preferred it that way anyways...

Or at least that's what he's been trying to convince himself; swallowing and pushing his pride further down the pit of his stomach.

Charlie— underestimated and overlooked.

Nevertheless the responsible Stone and frankly the most annoyed having to put up with his band mates who acted like children at times. Brian was stoned out of his mind and Bill zipped past his line of vision chasing after a girl in a very short skirt. He didn't even want to begin to question where Mick and Keith were. He shouldn't care. They were all capable of looking after themselves anyways.

Still he stayed because it was late and he had to keep a lookout no one would go inside his room. Plus the music was great and even the glass he gripped in his hand somewhat helped.

It wasn't so bad if he closed his eyes. He could pretend they were at a concert and with that in mind drummed a light beat onto his trouser leg. He even managed a smile.

That was before something shattered in the kitchen and turning, frowned upon hearing Brian burst out laughing whilst covered in cake.

Charlie rolled his eyes once again completely over the scene. He tried to cross his arms but ended up bumping into the man besides him who didn't even budge and this caused more annoyance in him. He was not at all pleased squished on the small sofa with people he'd rather never see again.

Who were they?

Oh. Mick's friends.


They had trashed the room and booze lingered in the air along with an indefinite cloud of smoke coming from Keith the more he burned a pack the hour. An unannounced party was thrown and Charlie groaned quietly realizing his chances of sleeping any time soon were diminishing the more someone walked in through the front door. Was it possible to know this many people?

A grinning girl dressed in silk head to toe had approached him and he grimaced declining the joint pushed in his face. She shrugged and walked away but not before stealing his glass of wine.

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