(Bill) Fool in the Rain

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A/N: Yes, its inspired by the Led Zeppelin song because I'm obsessed (c'mon Rose its been years smh). Lyrics are taken lightly. Meaning people interpret this song many ways and well this is what it is.. Also reader is an implied groupie lol whoops. It's a little rushed but I just wanted to get it posted already so excuse the "wait what?" moments lol

Just a reminder that I do accept requests! Just saying bc I don't know if you guys are getting bored with the same type of romance between the characters. Idk they're (leading lady) meant to be seen as normal people but of course when you're in love everything is magnified 10x (or I've been told idk I wouldn't know since I've never been in love lol) so if they seem dramatized by the Stones it's bc they're in love... does that make sense?

(Late easter egg hunt on how many lyric inspired sentences there are lmao)

Enjoy ☺️

The continuous ringing of the telephone lingered in Bill's ear and for a moment he felt foolish. After all he had seen her the day before. Had he called too soon? What time was it anyway?

A glance to his left and he noted the clock to read a quarter past 10. Still early in the glamorous world of rock stars and yet the phone and its never ending hum made him frown. He was sure she was still up. They usually didn't sleep much when together— the early morning birds and warm sun greeting them the next day.

She often kept him up talking about daydreams laced with LCD and stories of all the wonderful places she had traveled to and wanted to go next. She was young, 24, and had gone to more places than he had when he was her age. She was a wandering spirit by choice and rather than daydream about an opportunity, she'd make her dreams a reality by working hard to reach them. He admired that so he listened on with a look of adoration in his eyes and a ghost of a smile on his lips.

And when he'd grow tired and suggest they go to bed she'd only smirk and press her lips quickly to his.

"I'm nocturnal." She'd joke and he'd nod and intertwine their fingers together once more.

He was in love, really.  She must have been too...

Yet here he was pulling the telephone chord and swirling it in doubt as his knee anxiously bounced up and down.

What if she was in fact awake? His face paled. Christ, what if she had gotten bored of him? The unsettling thought lingered in his stomach making his insides churn with nerves.

I mean she had seemed interested in him... at first. Looking back he was sure of it with the way her eyes brightened at the sight of him and the way his name rolled off of her smooth and full lips. Seated on a couch surrounded by other pretty girls (though she was by far the most breathtaking) he spotted her right away.

"Bill." She had greeted him, almost scoldingly with playful eyes as if he was late. Maybe he was. She would have crossed his path eventually. Bill didn't know her, yet one glance at her dazzling smile and he was a goner. She knew it too.

Like a moth drawn to a flame he sought for her days after. He wasn't sure if it was for her company— as he enjoyed it so— or for her promises to keep him hungry for more of her touch.

But by the eighth ring Bill knew he was falling for a girl so drawn to the city lights and moonlight rendezvous.

He concluded she was not going to pick up.

Then there was a click and he smiled when she hummed into the other end.


"Let me see you tonight."

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