Chap 8.

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It walked up to the large slab that Lexa and Sebastian had escaped through. I tried to push myself back further into the dark corner as I watched it. Out of nowhere this pale spider looking creature with a tail flew through the air, its long legs held wide open. This warrior. This hunter, who had been chasing us through this labyrinth threw a large shuriken that sliced the creature in two. The spider dropped to the floor, spasming a second before going still. The shuriken twisted in the air and flew right back into his hand. It stood there, still, looking at nothing in particular. I looked up to see another black, thing, that screeched like a banshee crawling down from another nook in the wall. I opened my mouth and quickly covered it. I almost just yelled out, to help the thing that would kill me, that had killed everyone already. As the black banshee grew close the hunter spined, his arm coming around with the shuriken. I stared as the banshee thing went still before the front of its head slowly dropped then fell from its body, plopping to the floor. Its actual body followed suit quickly after. I watched in silence as the hunter disconnected a tube from its helmet which hissed air. Reaching up with its long clawed hands it pulled on its helmet, letting the seal pop. I stared, having a close up of this thing. Its skin was pale, yellow and brown. You could almost call it a human skin colour. The skin itself wasn't rough but wasn't smooth either. It hardened into almost like scales on its hands. It was huge. Like two men put together, it was broad its legs, arms, shoulders, waste. It, maybe? They were like rubber dreadlocks with golden rings on them. It truly was almost human. Until I saw its face as it took its helmet off. It had these...mandible appendages for its mouth, on the end were these tusk like teeth. They spread out and up as it kneeled, holding its helmet. It had no lips, only sharp dagger like teeth. It reached down to that spider creature it had slain and snapped one of its legs off. Lifting it up it used the end of the appended to start carving a symbol into its helmet. The creatures blood must be a sort of corrosive? Once it was done it pressed the appendage to its head, its skin burning slighty as it carved the same mark into itself. It was like a T almost.

I had heard of old customs where warriors marked themselves with their kills. Some warriors had little skin left after being scarred so much. But he had no marks. So what was this? A ritual? An initiation? I looked high up towards the roof when something caught my eye. Another one of those spider things crept out. I lowered my hand into my boot, drawing a small knife. As the hunter stood, the crawler leapt. He whirled around and I lurched forward, flinging the knife. It struck the spider it its centre and slammed it into the wall, the thing falling dead. I looked up, heart stopping. It was facing me, its helmet back on. When did it put its helmet on? It made a low clicking noise and its hand hovered near its belt, where his weapons sat. I was an idiot who acted out of instincts. I didn't look away from it as I spoke prayers to whatever god was listening and tried to make peace with my final moments. But a blow never came. It just stood there before turning and walking to the other end of the room. I stepped back then fell back against the wall, sliding down as I gripped my chest. My heart hammered, the noise vibrating in my ears. I stayed where I was, not daring to disturb it, not pushing my luck. I stayed like that for what seems like forever. Then that dreadful noise came, as stone started to shift. I looked up quickly, Lexa and Sebastian were only in the next room. I got up quickly and moved to the door, drawing my pickaxe as the hunter turned. I stared it down, gripping the pick as stone grated. It was my job. I couldn't let him get to them. I looked to my right quickly as a passage opened in the wall. The hunter turned and walked out, ignoring my presence. The door behind me never opened.


I rubbed my face. I knew what I had to do. He could still be following them. But I was no match for a giant. I had to get to them before him. I took a deep breath and followed the way it went, staying far back. I prayed he would lead me back to them without killing me. I walked quietly as I followed the hunter for a while before it rounded a corner. I stopped by the corner and glanced around, eyes widening at the sight. It stood facing Lexa. She turned slowly, her breath trembling as her eyes came upon him. It brought a large silver handle out and it extended into a large spare. Save her. I gripped my pick tightly and rounded the corner, swinging it into the armour of his back. It just bounced right off. He whirled around and I stepped back but the spear caught my arm, slicing through clothes and flesh. I fell back with a yell and grabbed my forearm as I sat up.

"Lexa run!"

The hunter raised its spear above its head to strike me.


The hunter paused and looked back at Lexa as she slowly got down on her knees, taking her bag off. She opened it and pulled out the artefact.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend..."

She slid the device to the hunter as she stayed down low on her knees. He looked down to it as a black banshee reared up behind him and slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. It turned its attention to Lexa and shrieked, leaping.


She snatched up the closest thing next to her, the spear from the hunter. Lifting it up, the creature impaled itself on it with a cry. Its tale kept striking and she ducked and weaved, dodging the blows. I scrambled up from my feet as it started to grow limp, then still.


I came to her side as she whimpered softly. The creature's head shot up and its mouthed tongue shot out. I kicked it roughly in the side, knocking it to the floor. I kneeled by her, grasping her shoulder.

"Are you hurt?"

She shook her head and I pulled her into a tight hug, a bliss of feeling coming over me as I held her tightly with my good arm. Three red dots appeared on the side of her head and we parted, looking to where the laser sight was coming from. The hunter stood, that artefact sat on its shoulder, changed. It looked like a proper weapon now, the barrel facing us, the laser sight coming from its helmet.

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