Chap 10.

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I groaned softly at the impact but quickly rolled to my feet, standing as the tunnel erupted with fire, still chasing us like a demon. I looked around quickly.


"Run Cass!"

I looked up to see Lexa standing a bit ahead, waving. I looked to my right to see the hunter on his feet and we both sprinted after her. As soon we reached her side we really took off as fire engulfed the old wooden huts and houses. A large shockwave shot out and slammed into our backs, knocking us to the ground as debre went flying. A monsterous cracking filled the air and I looked back to see the ice cracking and caving, the old huts being swallowed.

"Fucking run!"

I scrambled to my feet, Lexa already off. I grabbed the hunters good arm and pulled, getting him up off the floor we started to run. The whole ice shelf was coming down, the pyramid no longer holding it up. A large crack appeared in front of us and we leapt over, racing as the ice started to collapse beneath our very feet. Another crack formed, at least two meters across. I pumped my legs harder and leapt with everything I had. I hit the floor and my leg buckled, sending me into a roll across the snow. I groaned softly, holding my arm as I sat up, looking around quickly for Lexa. I relaxed seeing her just a few feet away, laying as she caught her breath. She climbed up and walked over, helping me stand. I smiled at her gently then turned to look at where the old whaling station was. It was gone. There was nothing but a large hole left, going thousands of feet down. I sighed softly and ran a hand through my hair. We were alive. We made it. I looked at Lexa then at the hunter as it turned to us.

It reached up and undid the same tube or cable from before, releasing a hiss of air. He gripped the helmet then pulled it free from his face, lowering it. We both looked up at it as it titled its head then roared, mandibles going wide. Lexa jumped and moved back while I stood there, coming face to face with it. I had lived through too much to be afraid now. It made a soft clicking noise as it folded its mandibles back up and tilted its head the other way. Lexa stared in wonder, seeing its face, so close. I stared in amazement. Its eyes. They were so human. You could see its thoughts, its everything. They were a light green yellow colour, the pupils much larger then a humans. It looked down to its belt and yanked off the finger from the banshee Lexa had killed. He held it up to us and his mandibles shifted softly. I stepped back.


"You deserve it, Lexa"

I smiled at her softly and she looked back to the hunter, nodding. She turned her head to the side and he lowered the digit, carefully and quickly carving in the same symbol he wore on his own forehead. She hissed softly as it burnt her skin. She deserved it. She survived, she fought, she showed courage and smarts. I smiled softly as I watched her, heart beating faster. She deserved this. I only did my job. She did everything. She raised the barbed tail spear and the hunter inclined his head to her softly. He looked at me and made a soft clicking noise. I opened my mouth to speak, to tell Lexa we could finally go home but a rumble filled the air. The ice a couple meters away cracked then exploded outwards, spraying hunks of us down on us. Lexa brought her shield up to protect herself and me and the hunter both stepped back. A large black creature rose from the hole. It was just like banshee but as big as a house, a huge disc fringe coming from its head. Instead of walking on four legs it walked on two. It hissed softly as it stalked forward and the hunter growled in response. He lifted his arm and shot two blades into her chest then drew his shuriken, the blades extending wide. He threw it and it sliced through her neck as she shrieked. The weapon flew back and he snatched it out the air, throwing it again. It sliced off part of her head crest and as he reached for the blade again the large banshee's tail swung out and slammed into him, sending him flying. He crashed through an old water tank and landed on his stomach. The crested creature charged him, slamming its tail into him again when he tried to stand. He went down roughly and clicked softly, rolling his arm that was stained green with his blood from the earlier banshee. It raised its tail up, pointing the barb down at his back. I snatched the exoskeleton shield from Lexa and raced forward as its tail came down. With all my force I shoved my body forward, using the shield as a impact protector I had her tail and it slammed down into the ice next to the hunter. I stood over the grounded hunter raising the shield ready for the next blow. Before it could strike again Lexa raced forward and drove her spear into its gut with a angry cry, forcing it in deeper. The crested banshee shrieked in pain and flicked it head side to side, rearing up Lexa was yanked off the ground and thrown as the banshee fell backwards into a burning building, its long arms clawing at the spear. It ripped the spear out angrily and shrieked in rage, turning its sight to Lexa.

"Lexa run!"

Lexa turned and started bolting, racing through an old whales rib cage. I ran forward, picking up the spear the banshee tossed I ran after them.

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