Always Her | Simon

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  "Simon!" I shouted as I walked into the massive house. "Where are you?" I heard a muffled groan before Simon emerged from his room. "I've only slept for 4 hours [Y/N]! Why are you here?" I laughed as he slowly walked down the stairs. "You wanted to film today, remember? The not my arms challenge?" I reminded him as I walked into their kitchen, turning on the kettle. "Oh, yeah. Why so early, though?" He whined, sitting down at the counter. "It's 1 pm, Simon. You wanted us to film because you're going to Talia's for dinner." I told him as I poured the water into his cup, the smell of coffee beginning to fill the air. There was something so domestic feeling about this, but I had to push my feelings away, he'd never be mine anyway.
"So we're going to be making a sandwich each, but the other person is our arms. So for [Y/N]'s channel, I'll be her arms." Simon explained while I moved my arms to go along with what he was saying. It started off relatively good until I somehow hit Simon in the balls. "How did you manage that?" He practically whispered, his voice raised in pitch. "I'm sorry, I got too handsy~" I sang. We both started laughing before resuming the video.
Halfway through, I could feel Simon's hand on my thigh, causing me to squeal as I jumped. "Simon!" I scolded him, only to be met with laughter.
He did his outro and stopped the camera. "Thanks for helping with the video." He smiled. "No problem, gotta give the fans something to ship, right?" I joked, elbowing his side slightly. "Would've been better if I was the one behind you." He replied, winking. He backed me up against the counter, making me jump up to sit on it. "S-Simon..."
He grabbed my waist softly, pushing his way to stand flush against me. "[Y/N]..." He murmured. I heard the front door close, distracting me for a second. Simon took this chance to start tickling me. "Simon! Stop please!" I shrieked, trying to push away from him. "Am I interrupting?" We both turned to the door to see Talia standing there, the air suddenly thick with awkwardness. "Uh, no. No problem at all. Tell me when you upload the video, yeah? Gotta be that first comment." I winked as I walked out.
'Oh my god, they're totally dating' 'Just tell us that Simon x [Y/N] is real' I sighed as I read the comments on the video. It was obvious we had feelings for each other, but his feelings for her meant more. We'd even had drunken nights together before, but Simon always acted like they were mistakes. I turned to the clock. "9 pm. Guess I could go round for a few drinks with JJ." I spoke to myself as I texted JJ that I was coming over. I could use a distraction.
That was the worst mistake I could make. Talia and Simon joined us for drinks, which left Harry and Ethan as the only sober people. "Simon, let's go upstairs," Talia whined, failing at being subtle. "Hey, Si! Remember when you and [Y/N] would fuck every night you had drinks?" A drunken JJ shouted. Everyone turned to face either the couple or me. "What? You aren't serious, right? Why would he want her?" Talia rolled her eyes. "I'll be right back," I muttered, speed-walking to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. "Of course he wouldn't," I told myself. "She's everything he could want and I'm nothing." I felt the warm droplets of water dripping down my face. "Shut up right now." I turned to see Simon standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry that he brought it up, but I'm even more sorry about the way she reacted." He pulled me into a hug. "We just need to get over each other. I'm sorry, but I lo- really like her." I could feel the world crash around me.
"It's all good, it's always her anyway. Follow your heart, Simon."  

BY: mayniac-sugg by tumblr

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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