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"Later losers~" Sang out Jimin as he left the small group's usual lunch spot, heading straight for his 5th period class; maths

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"Later losers~" Sang out Jimin as he left the small group's usual lunch spot, heading straight for his 5th period class; maths.

To say Jimin was looking forward to it would be an obvious lie, but nonetheless he was excited to meet his new classmates and teacher.

Speaking of his teacher, Jimin held the unloved classroom door open as a rather small, penguin like man rushed through. The pile of papers stacked on his desk growing two sizes larger as he lay down the days work.

"Thanks for that, these kids-" He sent a quick glare towards the students already seated "-normally enjoy watching me struggle by myself."

A humble smile was carved on Jimin's face as he introduced himself, apologising for not being present for yesterday's morning class - leaving out the part where he slept in - he had a feeling his teacher wasn't one for poor excuses.

"Right, Jimin. Because you've missed out on half this topic I decided it best have you an assigned tutor. He's experienced in algebra and is a final year student so he will be able to help you with anything. Instead of coming to class, you need to head to learning room B12. You'll be marked as present so don't worry about that."

"Thank you, that's going to be really valuable. Shame that I can't learn from you but I look forward to coming back into class once I've caught up." Jimin didn't really care about coming back to class - to be honest. He's always been a more one-on-one learner. Hopefully his tutor wasn't crap though.

"Go study Park Jimin, it's time for class."

Aishh so cold Mr. Kang.. Jimin thought with a pout.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Kang." With a 45 degree bow he promptly left the classroom, making his way to learning room B12.

"Hahhh." Jungkook was slumped into an office chair that was questionably squeaky, spinning around slowly in complete boredom.

He was meant to be meeting his latest 'student' and they were late, not the best first impression, but Jungkook couldn't really care less at this point in time.

Just as he was planning to get up and go back to class, the door shyly crept open, revealing a slightly flustered Jimin.

"Apologies, my teacher didn't exactly give me directions-" dropping his bag by the table he sat down facing Jungkook while mimicking his teacher, "-it's in the block on the other side of the field, the grey building. Easy." He finishes with a small huff.

Jungkook chuckles, "Nice to meet you too."

Eyes widening slightly, Jimin 'awkwardly' bites his lips, "Aish, sorry."

"No, no it's fine.." Jungkook's eyes linger on Jimin's lips a fraction too long, held captive by the way his teeth catch his bottom lip, a subtle shimmer of gloss teasing. "I'm Jeon Jungkook." He finally replied, bringing his eyes up to meet Jimin's gaze.

"Park Jimin, thanks for helping me Jungkook hyung~ I really appreciate it!"

Jungkook wasn't sure if Jimin was trying, or if he was naturally this alluring. Many had crossed paths with Jungkook but the rumours about this kid had been true, he was something.

"Yeah, no problem.."

Jimin turned, pulling his books from his bag and splaying them out onto the table,
"What's our first focus?"

Exploring the shapes of your body. Jungkook mulled silently.

"Trigonometry, then algebra."


I really don't like this chapter hahahahahahaha still working on fixing up the next chapter and finishing the new ones so I'll see you guys soon,

~ Plu ♥️

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