Chapter 3- Angelic Crossroads

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I think Grexl's jaw dropped a bit farther when we saw who had just sliced Insanity's arm off. The man stooped there over Insanity's lopped off arm, with his long jet black hair and fancy sleeveless trench coat. 

" seems his arm has not yet disappeared, perhaps they can be reformed together. I should keep this and study it further." At that moment he blew smoke from his lit cigarette onto the arm and breathed in the smoke again. The arm had disappeared into the smoke and was now inside of him. Interesting way to carry something...

Whoever this man was, I almost didn't feel safe leaving him up there with Doll and Grexl, so I ran up to try and protect him. As I was running up, Unknown appeared beside me and followed me until I got to the man. Immediately, I picked up the damaged Doll and held him in my arms. As soon as I did that, the man brandished his weapon, a long black scythe with a shining white blade, and began slashing at me and yelling: "Put that thing down, it's dangerous!"

When I got some distance, I looked at Unknown and asked "Aren't you going to fight him! Protect me!" Unknown turned his head to look at the man and said the longest and most shocking things I've ever hear him say.

"Why would I fight him? After all, he is my brother. And for the record, my name isn't 'Unknown', it's Keeper. His is Gate." So...Keeper and Gate are brothers...interesting. Does that mean he is on my side, or what? I'm not sure of anything at the moment. However, it was in that moment that we were transported back to the room. 

I was glad to be back home, but something didn't feel right. Sure, Grexl and Doll had rooms to themselves now, but it was sad. Doll wouldn't ever be staying in his room. I don't think he lives anymore...Another weird thing, on the other hand, was an unlabeled door, though I would have assumed it was for Gate, until I saw him. Sitting elegantly in a wooden, padded chair, was a stunningly beautiful man. His medium length white hair was perfectly straight and his perfect white suit was without a single mark on it. His ornamental blade was also without a single blemish. Who was this guy? Though again, I was not in the mood for anymore fights, the man rose from his chair and without a word, charged towards me with lightening quick speeds. He ran straight into me with a heavy punch that caused me to drop Doll's body. 

As I fell to the ground, I noticed the weakened Grexl get up and try to attack the man with his chainsaw, but during his current state, the saw refused to spin and could only be used to bludgeon.  This proved ineffective rather quickly, and with a quick back fist, Grexl was out cold. Gate and Keeper maneuvered into battle, but it seemed only as to protect me, as neither of them summoned their weapons. Gate began attacking with some form of karate and kept him busy as Keeper came to my side and tried to help me up. 

"Keeper, do you remember that banishment move? Maybe we should try it on this guy." Keeper only acknowledged it with a smile. He poked me and again I was in his garbs and we moved to attack. Gate grabbed him and subdued his arms behind his back, and Keeper began a chant:

"It seems my master is tired of you, you see, so it's together, that we banish thee!" We moved to do the back-hand, but with an explosion of light, angel wings spread out of the man and we were all blown back from him.

"Where is X?" said he, sternly. That is when X appeared. However, he did not look ready for battle, in fact, he looked ready for leisure. 

"Oh it's you, Cross. Welcome home, I guess." I was stunned by this, X greeted this man, Cross, who had been beating us to a pulp with such ease and familiarity. 

"I guess you all are wondering who I am. You see, when X fell to darkness, his light was split from him. While he is a being of darkness, I am one of light. I hope you don't take my greeting to be too hateful, I was only trying to test you...and Jake, I know what you're thinking. I have no right to walk in here and just expect to be a part of you, especially after all you've been through. But I'll make it up to you, how about I repair Doll for you?"

I was really excited when had promised to do that for me, but it had been several hours since he had taken Doll's body back to his room to begin repairs. It's funny that I though that, because as soon as I did he came out, followed by Doll walking again.

"It's amazing that the repairs went so smoothly. See, when one of us dies, our essence that contains a purpose gives out. I figured I would have to transfuse some of my light into him, but his essence hadn't given out yet. Must have been just his physical form giving out, so I gave him a more humanoid form."

"Don't worry, master, though I may be human now, I will always be yours to command!" At that moment, I didn't care about commanding anyone, I was just happy that no one was lost.


"That Gate...cut my damn arm off! I'll show him next time...he'll get his dues. Almost caught my little plan too...but we'll see."

"I commend you for your work, Insanity. Perhaps you will be a better asset after all. Now come here for a moment, I must try this...essence transfusion..."

"No..NO! Please don't!!"

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