Chapter 4- Cold King

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The meeting of Cross was sure unprecedented, but it is very welcomed in my circle. The only that that I wish would happen is that I could confront Insanity again. With how easily Cross took us out, I'm sure we could defeat him. Of course, I would never go out into a battle after what had happened. I needed rest. We needed rest. I found my room, and from there, I almost instantly fell into a deep sleep.

The next thing I remember is being in a classroom for another early morning youth group session. This was all regular for another school day, but what was weird was the fact that I don't remember how I got here. No matter, I guess I would just continue and watch. The session went on as usual with people talking about the religion they were affiliated with, and I just watched. That was until, they started turning violent. Usually they were very accepting of me there, but then they started screaming at the top of their lungs to kill me, because I was different. Their voices mixed and distorted so bad they I couldn't understand anything, all I knew was they were angry with me. It was truly terrifying...

"You know, you don't have to take that from them..." I looked over to see a sight for sore eyes sitting right next to me.

"Kefka! What are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing, old friend. I just wanted to let you know that your pawns don't have to be locked up inside you. I'll give you the power to use them, and together you can defeat all those who oppose you!" With that, he tapped my forhead and left the room. I felt power surging from inside of me, it was the most powerful thing I had. Suddenly, X, Cross, Grexl, Doll, Keeper, and Gate all appeared in front of me. I felt the power I needed to control them. My hands burst into a deep purple flame, and all of their eyes turned to a deep red. I knew I had them under Kefka's spell, and my control.

"Go now, pawns. Destroy my enemies!!"

Grexl was the first to jump, as he attacked every other person  in the room that wasn't me or one of them. With his chainsaw flaring and a desperate need to fight and kill burning in his eyes, I watched him tear people I used to call "friend" limb from limb, and I loved every bloody second of it. Doll sprung in to attack as well, but there just weren't enough people in the room. So, we left to the rest of the school, as there would be plenty there. Doll seemed excited as he began throwing his knives into any victim that came within range, and with every scream, I relished in the chaos. However, as it seemed, not all of my pawns would obey me. Cross' eyes turned back into a light blue when he saw X take someone's life.

"X! What are you doing? You can't just kill people like that!

"I'm obeying the master's orders. He wants all of Jake's enemies to be burned to hell. If you're going to disobey, then I shall kill you too!" X flung himself across the room to attack Cross. The two met in vicious combat, but were evenly matched. 

"I see you're enjoying your powers." 

"Kefka, I could not have asked for more, this is so amazing! I feel like a god!" 

"Jake you must stop this!!" Gate and Keeper interuppted. "It is our job to keep things like this from happening, and we will do just that if we must!" They both summoned their weapons, Gate with his black scythe with the white blade, and Keeper with his white scythe with the black blade, and began to try and attack me; however, I was much too powerful for that. I easily deflected that attack and threw them to the ground, burning them with my flames as they fell. 

"Easily defeating your own gate keepers. Impressive. Perhaps you and I could strike a deal. I'm not very fond of that sourpuss who brought me back, so lets say you and I destroy everything together?" I was about to shake his hand and seal the deal when I heard a body and metal hit the ground. I looked over to see X laying face first in the ground and Cross hovering just above his body, with his wings out. With a quick burst, I sent some of my energy into him. The energy made his eyes explode vigor. He stood and his own black wings appeared. He then took the fight back to Cross.

"You know Kefka, I've given a bit of thought to our deal. What if I just absorb your power and rule myself?" He looked rather surprised when I grabbed his face and began to set my flames loose on him. Eventually, all of his power was mine. I began laughing at the immense strength I now possessed. However...

"Look at the power I have! Enough to sustain my life again...looks like I don't need you Jake." A demonic voice had said that and threw me out. I looked up to see an after image of myself still standing there, except this one was made entirely out of the purple flame.

"Come X, Grexl, and Doll. Your true master, King Shiver, needs you." The three appeared behind him, just as Cross, Gate, and Keeper appeared next to me. 

"I believe I'll take back all the power I gave the three of you now." The all burst into flames and became one with him. "And now, I can continue my rampage!"

I turned to my remaining allies apologetically. I wanted them to forgive me for what I had done. There was no way I could ever atone for this, especially not with the lives I had already taken. I deserved no kindness, only death.

"That may be true. But for now, we have to defeat him someway. I know of one last attack I can do to destroy him, but it would destroy the three inside of him as well...I'm sorry." Cross looked regretful as he said that, like a true angel.

"I think we can save some of them. I do believe that these scythes do more than killing." Keeper smiled down to me and rushed in to attack Shiver with Gate. 

Shiver turned to see the duo ready to strike, and from his left hand threw a volley of Doll's knives towards Gate. Of course, the knives couldn't hit Gate. Keeper was able to get in close from Gate's distraction and made an attack towards Shiver's head; unfortunately, he was able to block it, thanks to Grexl's saw that protruded from his right arm. It seemed like the two different entities were bound to each of shiver's arms. Keeper seemed to read my mind as he relayed the information to Gate. 

"Perhaps I'll try this move on you two, let's see how you like it!" Just then, Grexl's chainsaw appeared in his hand and he positioned himself to begin using Doll and Grexl's combined move. But Shiver wasn't quite fast enough, Gate and Keeper had jumped into the air and performed a simultaneous downward slice on both of his arms. Doll and Grexl's bodies fell to the ground and were carried to safety by Gate and Keeper. It was great that we saved those two, but we needed to save one more.

Just as that thought was processed, a large black spike pierced Shiver from the inside, making the beast fall to the ground with agony. X's head appeared in the flames.

"You have to do it now! While you have the chance!" He began fading back into the fire and with a tear, I ordered Cross to attack. He flew at mach speeds and unsheathed his blade. It was a shining saber, that gleamed with the powers of light. Cross slid across the ground and kicked him upwards. He then flew up to his eye level and made a perfect horizontal slash across Shiver's chest that left a white wisp. Next, he flew above him again, and came violently downwards leaving another perfect symmetrical vertical cut. He landed on the ground and sheathed his blade as a blinding explosion of light occured behind him.

"May you rest in peace, brother."

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