Chapter 21

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Liam P.O.V

Did I love Ally? We've only been going out a month. I'm not going to tell her how I feel, she wouldn't feel the same way. Would she? 

** 1 week later ** 

Ally P.O.V

Today was the day of my audition. I was nervous as hell. 

"LIAM!?" I shouted down the stairs. He ran into the bedroom. 

"Yes?" he asked. 

"Do I show up in my dance clothes?" I asked. 

"You probably should" he said. I kicked Liam out of the room and shut the door. I took off my pyjamas and pulled on a pair of tights (or leggings) and a tight pink singlet. I walked out and Sarah and NIall were there. 

"Hey guys" I smiled.

"Hey" Sarah smiled back.

"Why are you here so early?" I asked. 

"We came over because we were bored" Sarah laughed. 

"Where's Liam?" I asked, looking around. 

"He said he was getting lady" Niall said. 

"Okay" I replied. I opened the fridge and got out some bananas, strawberries, apples and oranges. I pulled out a bowl and chopped up the fruit. I put it into a bowl.

"Do you guys want anything to eat?" I asked Niall and Sarah.

"OKay" they both smiled. I made them both a fruit salad. I handed it to them as Liam walked through the door, with Lady in his arms. 

"Hello Lady" I smiled. I grabbed my bowl and sat down on a kitchen stool. 

"Where's mine?" Liam asked. 

"You have two arms make it yourself!" I laughed. He put Lady down and of course she ran over to the people she's never met. She started licking Sarah. 

"She's so cute" she laughed, picking up Lady. Louis came stomping out, he was still living with us. It was fun having him here, except he didn't like getting woken up.

"What's all the racket?" he said grumpily. 

"Sorry Lou" I laughed hugging him. It was now 9am and I had to leave in half an hour with the boys. "Guys we need to leave in 30 minutes. Louis go get ready" I demanded.

 "Okay" he sulked. 

** 15 minutes later ** 

Louis came stumbling out into the kitchen. Lady bounded over to him. We all stared at him.

"What?" he asked. 

"You take more time then me, just to get dressed. You haven't even brushed you hair" I laughed.

"Or done you makeup" Sarah grinned cheekily. 

"SHADDUP!" he yelled, stomping away dramatically.

 "NEVER!" I laughed. 

"We should go now" Liam said. 

"Yeah" Niall, Sarah, Louis and I agreed. We put Lady back in the garage and got in the car.  We arrived a large dance studio. The auditions were at 10 am but the boys had to arrive 30 minutes early. To my surprise Harry and Zayn beat us there. We were 10 minutes early, it was 9.20 am. 

"Hey" I said walking over to the boys. They walked in and sat in the 3rd row of seats set up. 

"Hello. People with auditions have to wait outside" an elderly lady came up too me. 

"She's with us" Liam informed her. 

"Sorry mam. Good luck today, if you're auditioning" she smiled sweetly.

"I am, thank you" I smiled. She walked off.

** 35 minutes later ** 

"All people auditioning on the stage please" the elderly lady said. The boys all hugged me and wished me luck as I walked on to the stage. There was only about 60 girls there. 

"We've read all of your forms. You 58 girls had talent. Your videos were amazing. I'm Cindy and I'll be running the auditions" the elderly lady I spoke to before, introduced herself. 

** 2 hours ** 

We did some pretty tough excercises. I looked over and saw Danielle, the Danielle. As in my boyfriend's ex. I looked away quickly. I looked up and saw a stunning girl. She was skinny, the good type, with long dark brown curly hair and big hazel eyes.

"That was tough" she sighed. 

"I know" I laughed. 

"I'm Alyssa" she smiled holding out her hand. 

"Ally" I smiled.

"Oh, I know! You're dating Liam" she said.

"Yeah" I blushed.

"You guys are so cute!" she giggled.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Girls who auditioned back on stage" Cindy said.

"That's us" I said. Alyssa and I walked on stage. 

"You all did well. The 5 names that are read out will be going on tour with the boys for 6 months" Cindy told us. "Okay we'll go Louis, Zayn, Harry, Niall and then Liam" she smiled.

" Olivia Parsons" Louis smiled. I looked over to a small, dark skinned girl who was jumping up and down and screaming. 

"Alyssa Jones" Zayn smile innocently. Alyssa raised her head and her eyes grew the size of saucers. I gave her a massive hug. 

"Congrats!" I smiled. 

"Thanks" she said. I looked down at the floor, hoping that Niall, Harry or Liam would call my name. 

" Mitchie Flann" Niall said. A small Asian girl jumped up and screamed and hugged all the other girls. 

"Danielle" Harry's eyes grew wide and he gulped. "Danielle Peazer" he frowned. I looked over to Danielle who mouthed 'suck it bitch' to me. I bit my lip nervously. 

"Allison-Rose Argent" Liam smiled to me. Allysa gave me a huge hug. 

"CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS!" the boys all shouted.

"We are sorry to you other girls." Zayn said, sympathetically.

"You all did a lovely job though. You should be happy to have gotten here" Liam said. All the girls walked off the stage. I ran over to Liam and jumped on him. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Congrats beautiful" he leaned back so he ccould see my face He leaned forward and kisse my lips lightly then put me back on the ground. I heard stomping footsteps behind me and turned around. I saw Danielle's face. 

Liam P.O.V

I put Ally down. I looked up and saw Danielle's face.

"Danielle?" I asked.

"Liam, you really replaced me with ... this" she said,giving Ally a disgusted look. I lookeed over and saw Ally with a sad expression on her face.  

 "Danielle, just go please"  I said seriously.

"Make me" she laughed.

" He said go away!" Ally shouted. 

"Oh little bitch has attitude" she laughed. She balled up her fist and punched Ally, straight in the nose. I tried to block it but failed. Ally's nose started bleeding. I could see her getting angry. Why did Danielle have to show up/ 


Hey guys,

just wanted to say that I have  nothing against Danielle. I support her and Liam 100%. I used this scene for a good story line so no hate. Love you all for reading. I know have over 1 . 5 thousand reads!  Love you all for reading! :) 

~ Hayley x

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