Chapter 36

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Ally P.O.V

Liam took his hands away from my waist. 

"Let's get home" he said. I nodded in agreement and followed him back to his parents' house.  He opened the door slowly and I waited inside. 

"Ruth, can I get a lift?" he asked politely. 

"Sure" I heard her cheery voice responded. I smiled at her cheeriness and before I knew it her and Liam were standing right in front of me. 

"Hey" I smiled. 

"I'm sorry about dad" she frowned. 

"RUTH!" Liam butted in. "Don't dwell on it" 

"Sorry!" she half laughed at Liam's bossiness. I laughed and climbed in her car. The drive to our apartment was silent, kind of awkward.

"So Liam I heard your second kidney is fixed from when you were a baby" Ruth smiled. I turned to Liam, shocked.

"You didn't tell me this!" I playfully hit his arm.

"Sorry" he playfully put on a frown and I laughed at his immaturity. He put his hand over mine and I looked into his eyes. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

** 5 months later **

Liam was now on tour and I was alone in our big house, I looked down at my growing baby bump and smiled. I heard a knock on the door and got up to answer it. I opened the door and saw my aunty standing there. 

"Hello" she smiled.

"Aunt Mel, what are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"Visiting my favourite niece" she laughed, "besides Lottie" she added a cheeky wink. I laughed and hugged her.

"Come in and tell me why you're really here" I smiled.

"My boyfriend, technically you're uncle, got a job here. I'm visiting him" she smile.

**1 hour later **

"honey, I better go" my aunty frowned and hugged me.

"Bye, love you" I shouted as she left the house. I picked up my phone and realised I had 6 missed calls from Liam. I frowned about the fact that I was stupid enough to not check my phone in 2 hours. I sighed and dialed Liam's number, he picked up after 3 rings.

"Ally?" he asked. 

"Hey babe" I sighed.

"Why didn't you pick up? Were you with... Colton?" he asked angrily.

"No Liam!" I answered.

"Then where were you?" he asked, sounding upset.

"my aunty stopped by"

"Yeah, like your aunty just decided to drop in from Australia" he said angrily.

"Liam, I -"

"Save it!" With that he hung up. I sighed and looked at the clock. 40 minutes until my ultrasound. I texted Gemma and asked for a lift and she was at mine and Liam's house in 15 minutes/ We drove in silence.

"Liam and I had a fight" I said sadly.

"WHAT!?" she practically shouted.

"My aunty stopped by and he thought I was with Colton" I frowned.

"Boys" Gemma sighed. She pulled into a park and I got out.

"I'll ring you when I need a lift home!" I said as she drove off. I walked in the doors and went up to reception desk.

"Ally Monzel" I said to the receptionist.

"Won't be too long" she smiled.I returned a friendly smile and sat down.

"Ally Monzel" a tall woman doctor callrd. I got up and followed her into the ultrasound room. She stared at the screen blankly and started listening closely. The doctor closed her eyes and breathed in.

"Miss.Monzel, I'm sorry, but the baby's heartbeat has suddenly stopped. I don't know what has happened" she frowned. I felt the tears start welling up.

"i - I lost the baby?" I said, holding back my tears.

"I'm sorry" she stated. I sighed and gt off the doctors lounge. I went into the bathroom and changed back into my clothes and left the hospital. I waited on a bench outside for Gemma and soon enough she arrived. I ran over to her car and climbed in.

How'd you go?" she asked.

"We lost her. We lost our baby girl" I broke down into tears. Gemma started driving and sat there silently.

"Do they know how?" she asked me.

"No, her heart beat just stopped" I cried. The rest of the drive was silent and once Gemma pulled into our driveway I jumped out and ran into the house to tell Liam. I called 3 times ad he didn't pick up. I decided to ring Louis, who picked up after 2 rings.

"Hello" he answered.

"Louis I need to talk to Liam" I said, wiping away stray tears.

"Liam it's Ally!" Louis shouted.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO HER!" Liam yelled back.

"Ally, he's not in a talking mood" Louis stated.

"Please Louis! It's about the baby" I started rying again.

"Ally what happened?" Louis asked frantically.

"I'll tell you later, just let me talk to Liam! He needs to know!" I cried m,ore.

"LIAM! IT'S IMPORTANT!" Louis yelled.

"NO!" Liam yelled back. I heard Louis's footsteps and a door open.

"Liam, it's about the baby" he said quietly. I heard bed springs and Liam and Louis having a little banter.

"Hello?" Liam answered.

"Liam?" I cried/

"ally what's wrong?" he asked, his anger replaced with worry.

"Liam we lost the baby. Her heart stopped" I cried even more.

Liam P.O.V

I started worrying hen I heard Ally's crying. Did I do this?

"Liam we lost the baby. Her heart stopped" Ally cried. I felt my throat go numb and I couldn't find any words. 

"What?" I felt my eyes tear up.

"I doon't know how, the doctors don't even know" Ally cried at the other end.

"Ally I'm coming home" I said.

"Liam -"

"I'll see you soon" I hung up and fell to my knees. I heard a soft knock on my door.

"GO AWAY!" I shouted.

"Liam, are you okay?" I heard Paul's voice. I got up and opened the door.

"Paul, I need to go back home" I stated.

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