Chapter 2

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Rosa didn't get any sleep last night. The cuts still stung from last night in her room. She was at the kitchen table on her 6th cup of coffee. She considered going out and buying a 16oz can of redbull.

Rosa put her cup in the sink and walked quietly back up the stairs. She dug around in her closet and dressed in black skinny jeans, a grey sweater, and her converse sneakers. She put in her septum ring and fixed on some black eyeliner and mascara. She combed her red hair and swiped on deodorant and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Her parents were still dead asleep, so that was good news. Rosa walked down the stairs and out the door to her bus stop. The streets were awfully crowded, even at 6:50 a.m. A few kids at the bus stop stared at her awkwardly. But Rosa remained quiet until the school bus picked them all up.

Rosa walked down the isle and sat all the way in the back. No one had said a word to her, until a gril turned around and smiled shyly at her. "You new here?" The girl asked. "Yeah." Rosa said quietly. "My name's Brenda." She said and shook Rosa's hand.

"R-Rosa." Rosa stammered over her own words. Why did she always look so stupid in front of everyone she meets. "I'm assuming you just moved here?" Brenda asked.

"This weekend, yeah I did." Rosa said. Unfortunately. Rosa looked at Brenda, this time in the eyes.. something she was usually never able to do. Brenda had long, curly black hair that was spilling down her back. Her dark, wide eyes seemed to break hearts. And bones. Her pale skin wore very little concealer, and she was wearing dark makeup. Just like Rosa was. Brenda wore a black tank top, black jeans, a leather jacket, and black combat boots. Seemingly, a hot goth.

"You checking me out?" Brenda joked. Rosa snapped into focus. "No!" Rosa almost yelled. Brenda playfully punched Rosa's arm. "What? I was just joking with you." Brenda said, laughing. So Rosa laughed too. What else could she do?

Rosa felt the school bus stop and everyone started to get off. Brenda took Rosa's hand and led her to the main office. Rosa needed to pick up her schedule, her handbook, and everything else. Brenda took Rosa to the cafeteria, where everyone else sat and waited until they had to go to their lockers to go to homeroom.

"You need to meet some people who are real special of mine." Brenda said and walked Rosa over to a more towards a back table. Three kids sat there talking. "Rosa, this one is Alex." Brenda pointed to a tattooed, pierced guy with jet black hair. He wore a Metallica T-shirt, cut baggy jeans with pins and chains. "Hi." He said. Rosa sup nodded.

"This is Tony." Brenda pointed to the second kid. He bad shaggy, golden blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and wore a "Green Day" T-shirt and denim skinny jeans. "Heyyy." He said and flipped his hair. Rosa smiled and said "Hi."

"The last one is my stepsister, Jeane." Brenda pointed. Jeane looked up from her cellphone. Jeane had thick, light brown hair,  pretty light blue eyes that stuck out because of her black glasses. She wore a black and white striped sweater and denim skinny jeans. "Hey." Jeane said and shortly smiled. "Hey." Rosa said back.

Brenda and Rosa sat across from Alex, Tony, and Jeane. "So you just moved here?" Alex asked. "Yep. Came from Maine." Rosa said. Jeane nodded appreciatively. Rosa looked at Jeane, who was looking at her back.

"My friend, actually well, my only friend, lives down there and now I really can't see her again." Rosa seemed to ramble on. I probably sound like an idiot. "Oh.. what was her name?" Jeane asked. Rosa paused, took a breath and short smiled. "Marie."

Tony looked up and quick interrupted the whole conversation. "Oh. My. God! Look how HOT he is!" Rosa quick paused. Did Tony just say he? Rosa turned around to see who Tony was talking about. He had black, flippy hair, green eyes, and dressed all in black. He turned to look at us and smiled at Tony. He blushed a bright pink in a matter of seconds. Tony was giving the kid goo-goo eyes and shortly the kid walked over and sat at our table. "Hey Dominik." Tony said in a super girly, flirty, type of way.

Rosa seemed to actually like it here. She already made a group of friends and she felt like she could trust and confide in them. She could probably tell and open up her secrets to them and they would betray her. She would sure as hell prefer it here than at home. Home. How is that even remotely a place she could call home?

But here, Rosa, Alex Tony, Brenda, Jeane, and Dominik would have great times. They had already exchanged phone numbers. But what sucked about it was no matter how much of a good time she had with her friends, doesn't mean really anything when she goes home to her parents.

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