Trouble in Paradise

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Archie's private message with Veronica

Archie: How r u baby❤❤❤

Veronica: I'm fine

Archie: Ok cool ily💕💕

Veronica: Love you too💕

Group Chat

Reggie: Dudes what happened 😳

Betty: A lot 

Reggie: Is V okay

Betty: She's a bit shaken up but not hurt

Toni: What went down

Betty: Well...

Betty: We tracked her phone to an abandoned carnival

Toni: Creepy 😱

Betty: We searched for an hour before Cheryl found her tied to the bottom of the Ferris Wheel

Jughead: Oh my god

Betty: There was blood dripping down on her, I don't think it was hers

Cheryl's private message with Veronica

Cheryl: Are you going to school today♥

Veronica: Idk

Cheryl: Are you sure you're okay

Veronica: Yeah I'm fine

Cheryl: You can break down, you can be vulnerable around me. Don't push me away because you're afraid to be scared. I know damn well that if I were in your position I would be traumatized. Just let me be there for you, let me take care of you. Please.

Veronica: I love you❤

Veronica: I'm not okay

Cheryl: Tell me about it♥

Veronica: I can't sleep. I don't want to go to school, and honestly I don't think I can. Archie thinks I'm fine, but I'm not. I just need someone to hold me. My parents are away and I'm not going to tell them about the carnival.

Cheryl: Here's whats going to happen

Cheryl: I'm picking you up in an hour and we're going to drive to Pop's and skip school and have a chill movie date today, sound okay?

Veronica: Sounds amazing💕

Group Chat

Archie: V did u get my txt

Veronica: No I was watching a movie

Archie: Where were u 

Veronica: I couldn't handle school so me and Cheryl hung out

Archie: And u didnt think to txt me

Veronica: No...

Reggie: Trouble in paradise? 🌴 

Archie: Shut up Reggie

Veronica: I didn't think you needed tabs on me 24/7 

Archie: Y would u even skip school

Veronica: I was having anxiety about the whole kidnapping thing, remember that?

Reggie: Shit she went there😶


Archie: V u said u were fine

Veronica: If you know anything about me its that when I say I'm fine, I'm not

Archie: How should I know that I dont read minds

Veronica: Cheryl knew!

Veronica: She knew

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