
3.2K 67 59

Veronica: This is crazy you cant turn yourself in 

Veronica: Plus how do we even know that the stalker is your stalker

Cheryl: Think about it all the shit that person posted was exposing me

Cheryl: And two people I loved went missing right before I was going to see them

Betty: As hard as it is for me to say Cheryl's right

Betty: This is all connected to her

Betty: And I mean no offence when I say that Cheryl has a lot of enemies

Cheryl: Non taken

Kevin: Guys check youtube

Cheryl: FUCK NO!

Cheryl: Stop no, not again 



The video is scratchy and there is a static noise that drowns out most of what noises the video attempts to capture. Suddenly an image starts to form of a dirty concrete floor. The camera pans up to a chair, a chair that hold a struggling Toni tied down with various colored ropes. 

"What do you want?" Toni's voice is deep and her breath is shaky but her tears have surprisingly stayed in her eyes. Toni's eyes shoot daggers at whoever hold the camera. She finally glances down at the camera staring directly at it, her eyes begin to soften. Her appearence is very different than normal, her hair was in a bun all frizzy and lopsided. Her outfit was a simple white lace dress and she had no makeup on. 

"I want you to say-" The voice was covered by static and reduced to a whisper. The static cut off the end of the demand. 

"Cheryl," Toni looked directly at whoever watched the video making Cheryl shudder and a single tear fell from Cheryl's eye.

"By tomorrow, April 14th, at 3:22pm I will be dead." Toni glared up at the mystery person.

"Unless," This gave Cheryl a glimpse of hope for Toni and her to have a future. 

"You trade yourself in. You must come to Pop's alone at 7:00pm sit in the booth furthest from the door, and willingly walk into the van." Toni stared at the camera pleadingly for a moment.

"Cheryl, don't do it it's a trap they won't set me free!" She spoke fast before the video was cut off. The last thing you saw was a hand with black gloves about to smack Toni in the face. 

Group Chat

Cheryl: I can't do this I can't lose her

Jughead: You heard what Toni said, don't do it.

Betty: Toni knows this situation better than us, Cheryl listen to her

Cheryl: She's just saying that to protect me

Veronica: Maybe she has good reasons to

Betty's private message with Jughead

Betty: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Jughead: Possibly.

Betty: Toni/Whoever sent us that message was very precise 

Betty: Do you think that this is a clue?

Jughead: Yeah but how do we get Toni back?

Betty: Why would she be killed April 14th, 3:22 pm specifically?

Jughead: I have no idea.

Jughead: Maybe something happened a long time ago around this time that would correlate with this pshycho.

Betty: You're right we should look it up

Betty: I googled it but nothing came up

Jughead: I think we need to dig a litle deeper.

Betty's private message with Kevin

Betty: I need your help

Kevin: With what??

Betty: I need you to break into your Dad's office

Kevin: Betty im not playing Clue with you okay?

Kevin: You're asking alot

Betty: I know but please it's really important 

Betty's you saw the video Toni's life is in danger

Kevin: What do you need

Betty: Type in April 14th, 3:22pm

Kevin: Ok...

Kevin: Ok now what

Betty: Any results?

Kevin: Yeah something...



Kevin: It was logged that a Riverdale High student jumped off the building

Kevin: The year our parents were students

Betty: At 3:22?

Kevin: 3:22

Betty: Fuck

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