I Care

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@cheryl.bombshell  Mommy Forgot to Lock the Syrup Cabinet 

Liked by @the.man.tle @ronnie_lodge @ttoni 


@the.man.tle  Kiss any more girls lately

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@josie_cat   Hottt 

@the.man.tle  @josie_cat  Not you too

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Group Chat

Cheryl: Reggie you fucking bitch!

Reggie: Whats wrong lesbo

Toni: Reg thats not cool

Reggie: What do u care topaz

Toni: U dont make fun of people because of their sexual prefrence u dick

Reggie: Jeez I didnt know this group chat was full of gays besides kev we knew that

Kevin: I would be mad but you arent wrong

Cheryl: Shut the FUCK UP REGGIE! 

Cheyl has left the Group Chat

Toni's private message with Cheryl

Toni: Are u okay

Cheryl: Why do you care?

Toni: I care because misogynistic pieces of shit like Reggie dont have any right to tell you who to be

Cheryl: I'm not a lesbian okay?

Toni: Neither am I doesn't make me care any less

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