Same Mistakes

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Chapter 22

~~Sam's POV~~

     We pulled up to the condo and I instructed everyone to dress nice for dinner. I took a quick shower and laid my dress on the bed. I had 2 hours to get ready, so I pulled on a bra and underwear. Over top I wore a pair of Harry's sweatpants and a loose black v-neck. I sat at the desk to do my hair and makeup. I gave myself loose curls, pulling them into a side ponytail. I tucked my bangs to the side and left a small ringlet on the opposite side of my head. (Picture on side) I applied minimal make up, just eyeliner, mascara, foundation, lip gloss and light eye shadow. I put on my dress next. It was an aqua blue color, it was pleated and formfitting. I pulled out silver heels to compliment the dress. 

"You look breathtaking!" a voice called. I looked up from my heels to see Zayn standing in the doorway. 

"Awh thanks Zayn." I smiled

"I only speak the truth." he smirked. His eyes glistened in the light and he shot his famous smile. He was wearing a formal black button up shirt. The sleeves pulled up to his elbows, showing his muscles. His hair was up in a quiff, shining, and he had just shaved. If I do say myself, he was looking extremely attractive. No Sam. Stop talking about him like that. Think Harry, think curls, think dimples. 

"Well you look rather attractive yourself." I smiled. Shit, why did I say that? He chuckled and walked further in the room. 

"Can we..uh, talk?" I asked biting my lip. He nodded shutting the door and locking it. 

"What's wrong gorgeous?" 

      And that's when I did it. This is the moment I'll regret for the rest of my life. I probably just ruined Harry and I's relationship. I don't know what I was thinking, I just lost control. His eyes, his smile, his hair, his body, just everything made me lose control. 

I kissed him. It was short, but as soon as I pulled away Zayn pulled me back in. His kiss was different than Harry's. He was force full, but loving. This is the part I'll never live down, the part when I realized I like it. My hands were on his chest and his were on my hips. I didn't pull away, I didn't want to pull away. 

"Sam? You okay in there?" a deep voice asked from outside the door. I jumped back from Zayn and stared into his eyes, never breaking eye contact.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll be out in 5 minutes." I said still looking deep in Zayn's eyes. 

"Okay. Why's the door locked?" 

"I.. was..erm..uh getting changed." I called. I heard him shuffle away. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Why did I do that? God, what's wrong with me?" I sighed flopping on the bed. 

"Do you know how long I've waited for that?" Zayn asked sitting beside me. 

"Zayn that doesn't matter. What matters is that I just kissed you and I love Harry. Do you realize what I've done?" I cried. 

"If you love Harry... then why did you kiss me?" he questioned. "If you truly love Harry, you wouldn't have done that..." 

"I do love Harry, more than anyone." I started. "But I think I like you too." 

"Whatever just forget about this. I have to tell Harry, don't be surprised if I end up on a plane back to Jersey." I sighed walking towards the door. 

"Sam wait. Don't tell him just yet. Wait until tonight. After dinner, don't ruin Sara's night." Zayn said. I nodded and continued for the door. I was about to open it, but a hand pushed it shut. I turned around to look at Zayn.

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