Meet the Girlfriend

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Chapter 12

~~Sam's POV~~

     I woke up in my bed after a blissful sleep. I looked up and there he was, gorgeous as always. Already awake, looking at me with a cheesy grin on his face. I smiled, life is finally great other than Niall drama.

"Good morning, Beautiful" Harry smiled and kissed my forehead. It sent chills down my spine. Harry Styles is in love with me, some loser from New Jersey. Here I am now, in Hawaii, cuddling with him. 

"Morning handsome" I winked and he chuckled. I crawled out of bed and to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked out, Harry still laying in bed. I roamed over to the window and looked out at the ocean. Then a pair of arms snaked around my waist and hot breath was on my neck. There was just silence between us, but it wasn't awkward. I turned around to face him. His green orbs looking at my lips. I smiled at him as he put his hands on my waist. He licked his lips and leaned in closer. I stood up on my toes and soon his moist, soft lips were pressed against mine, moving in sync. I smiled during the kiss and pulled away.

"I can't believe I'm here with you. Every girl dreams of being with you, they practically throw themselves at you. But here I am, with Harry Styles in Hawaii." I laughed. He smiled showing his cheeky little dimples that melted my heart. "You gotta stop doing that..." 

"Doing what?" he asked confused. 

"Smiling. It makes my heart melt, and I get butterflies..." I blushed. Then he purposely smiled really big, causing me to giggle.

"You gotta stop doing that" He mimicked. 

"Doing what?" I laughed.

"Being so perfect." He smiled and blushed. 

"You're such a flirt, Styles." I said playfully smacking his arm. I turned around to walk out of the room, but then I was pulled back. Harry's lips crashed against mine. I took my arms and put them around his neck, hands in his hair playing with his brown curls. His hands were on my waist, pulling me closer every second. He pulled away, his perfect green eyes staring into mine. 

"Do you see sparks when we kiss?"  he asked quietly. 

"More like fireworks" I giggled. He nodded.

"Yeah. Me too." He smiled and took my hand and we walked downstairs. 

     I looked in the kitchen, everybody was there, including Niall. We made eye contact, I could see the anger and jealousy in his eyes. I glared at him, those words he said to me last night, I couldn't get them out of my head. The entire breakfast, he just stared at me and didn't say a word. Talk about awkward. 

"Do you want to go in the hot tub?" A deep husky voice asked. I turned to see who it was. It was Harry, smiling his pearly whites. I smiled and nodded. We got to the room, I put on my bikini and sat on the bed, waiting for Harry. Everyone was going out to explore, but I just wanted to be with  Harry. He walked out of the bathroom in his swim trunks and looked me up and down. "Ready to go, gorgeous?" He held out his hand and I took it. 

     We got in the hot tub and started talking about random things. Then we started talking about what happens when he leaves to go back home. I really never gave it much thought. What will happen when the tour is over? 

"What's going to happen to us?" I asked sheepishly. His face went from a smile to a frown. His face was flustered and pale. 

"I don't know... I don't want to be without you I'm in love with you..." he said, his eyes tearing up. 

"Harry, I love you too. Don't cry, we still have a month left together.." I said shakily. Harry took my hand and pulled me close to him. I sat on his look down at him. His evergreen eyes staring up at me, watering. I wiped a tear with my thumb and smiled. "It's okay babe. Just live life right now." 

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