[2] the locket

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THE HOUSE WAS QUIET. I tiptoed down the hall to my room, being careful not to disturb my mom who snored peacefully on the couch.

Upon entering my room, I leaned against the door frame. I unclasped the locket and stared at it. The tiny intricate lines ran along the plated silver, running into a rose in the middle of the locket. An angry tear slid down my cheek, why did he have to die, anyone but him. His life was too innocent, too pure. With an angry huff I tossed the locket at one of my pale yellow walls. Shit, I mentally cursed as crack sounded from the wall and the locket fell to the ground. Pieces of paper fell out with it. I ran to the open locket. Why didn't I think of dropping it before? I bent down to pick of the now opened locket and the papers that had resided in it. Picking them up, I trotted the 4 feet to my bed. There were 3 pieces of paper. One was a letter, I could tell he typed it on Bills type writer. The second and third were drawings. The first drawing was of Georgie and I preparing for my annual Baker Sleepover. I laughed cried (You all know what im talking about.)the drawing was clearly drawn by a 6 year old. The lines were all made in a bunch of colors not even in the correct spot for the part he was coloring. The second was a drawing of me . It was clearly not drawn by Georgie. In the corner of the picture georgie, I could tell by the handwriting said; but Bill drew this I found it in his room. I sighed before reading the note.

Dear Cheryl,
Happy Birthday. Well anyways im writing this because well your my best friend and I thought that you should know.  I want you to know Bill likes you. He talks about you all the time. Well I thought you'd want to know that since im third wheeling anyway might as well make it real. Sad news however, is that someone at the fair told me that I am going to die when the rain pours in late fall. If I die I want you to know that I love you and I hope you live longer then me and that Ill be watching you from heaven and I don't know what else to say its to hard to think. Well bye.


Once I finished reading the letter I put in one of my drawers to hide it. My mom was a snoop and looked at everything and anything that I had laying out. I felt sad again, for the tenth time today. Quietly I got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and put on one of my dads t-shirt. The melancholy feeling echoed throughout my house as I flopped onto my bed and crawled under the heap covers and blankets sprawled across the queen mattress. Slowly I drifted off to sleep, Georgies words repeating in my mind.

A/n Ugh I know this Chapter is short and It makes me mad but it was the best stopping point. I promise the next will be longer.

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