[8] Maybe He's Not Completely Gone

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A NIGHTMARESOMETHING THAT CAN SEEM COMPLETELY REAL BUT ISNT. I hated nightmares, im pretty sure everyone did. But there was one thing worse then nightmares and those were night terrors. Worse then nightmares, they were more real. I had one tonight one about the clown.

"Sherry." A voice called to me. It was familiar too familiar.

"Yes." I called out into the blackness. Instead of a response a bird flew into a spotlight. It was the same bird I saw in the barrens.

"This was me." It said morphing into Pennywise. "Its always me and im back. Back but in your dreams." My palms were sweating and my heart was beating rapidly.  "I pennywise the dancing clown will never be gone ever. Even if im gone from eating children, I can still feed from your fear." Pennywise explained to me. "And now im here for your fear. Its changed it was judgement and approval from others but now it seems you've gotten over that." I gulped loudly as he approached me. Pennywise caressed my cheek with his thumb. I was frozen. "It seems now your afraid of this!" Pennywise disappeared and was replaced with Bill and a masked person behind a knife glinting in his hand.

"Noo! " I screamed rushing towards them.

"Cheryl,  Cheryl!" A voice yelled shaking me awake. It was my dad.

"What happened." I asked wiping my sweating palms on the bed sheets.

"You were screaming."

"I was?"

"Yeah, are you okay."

"I think so." I lied, I didn't want my dad to know about any of this, though I was curious if he knew about pennywise; of course I was expecting him to say no."Dad wait." He stopped at the entrance to my room.


"Have you ever heard of anyone named Pennywise the dancing clown?" He froze turning around,  all the color draining from his face. He walked towards me quickly.

"What about him." He whispered harshly.

"You know." I breathed.

"Of course I know that bastard has haunted me ever since I moved back into this town."

"But your an adult. Adults cant see him." I said in disbelief.

"What has It done." He asked through gritted teeth. I then proceeded to tell him everything about the summer and the clown and all the kids It took. He listened to every word then told me about his childhood with the clown. He had lived in Derry until he went to college and met my mother. They got married lived in New York for a couple years until my mom decided she wanted to live in his childhood town. My dad was reluctant but agreed. Soon after he arrived Pennywise started taunting him with his past. He signed up for the army to get away from Derry,  though he wasn't called in to service until I has 10.

Once we were done talking it was 5 in the morning. And I had school. My dad I didn't have to go and he would call me in sick. I thanked him and went back to bed.

"Cheryl." Eddie yelled waking me up. I glanced at the alarm clock on my left, 2:30. School was now out meaning the losers club would visit me because I was 'sick'.

"Mh, yeah Eddie." I yawned tiredly.

"You're sick so I thought I would bring you medicine. " He handed me a container of who knows what. Before he could say anymore Richie barged in.

" 'Ello mate." I rolled my eyes.

" 'Ello Richie." I mimicked his horrible aussie accent.

"How ya doin." Richie asked dragging a chair to my bed.

"Guys im-" I was cut off yet again by Mile, Monica and Ben walking in.

"Hey Cher we heard-" I groaned internally why did this keep happening. Ben was cut off by Stan and Bill opening the door.

"Okay since everyone's here, hear me out." I said loudly capturing everyone's attention. "Im not sick, though thank you for caring. I was just up late last night. " I lied to them.

"That's all, I don't by that bullshit Cher!" Richie exclaimed. I huffed in annoyance as everyone started agreeing with him.

"Fine, guys it had to do with this summer!" I exclaimed over them. It got dead quiet. Monica looked around at everyone's solemn faces.

"What happened this summer?" she questioned. I sighed.

"This past summer their was a clown. But not a normal clown,  this clown was a demon. He took the form of whatever you were afraid of." I said calmly.  The color drained from her face.

"Did this clown happen to be named Pennywise? " She asked. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Y-Yeah." Bill told her.

"He's attacking me in my dreams." She said sitting on the edge of my bed in disbelief.

"Same, it happened last night but that's not the crazy part. The crazy part is I talked to my dad about it and he knows about Pennywise that's why he joined the army because It was taunting him." Everyone's faces grew with a sudden realization. It was back but in our dreams.

"Maybe it isn't completely gone. " Mike stated. I nodded It was still here.

A/n Heyy guys so im finally getting some plot to this book so ya for that and theirs more drama next to chapter so look forward to it.

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