[9] Help Me

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*trigger warning sexual assault

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*trigger warning sexual assault


THE NEXT DAY WAS SATURDAY SO I DECIDED TO GO ON A MORNING WALK. As I walked into town I pondered everything going on. The clown was busy. Instead of terrorizing people in real life he was terrorizing people in their dreams where they couldn't fight back. It outsmarted us, well granted its like thousands of years old. I felt a tug at my wrist. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the person who grabbed me. I was hoping it was someone I knew but it wasn't it was a complete stranger. I glared at the man trying to wiggle my arm free. His grip tightened.

"Let go." I hissed through gritted teeth. He smirked devilishly.

"I don't think so little lady." He was an old man, well a man in his 40's. With brown eyes and a beard.

"Let go now." I cried. His grip on my wrist was starting to hurt as he dragged me down the alleyway.

"Did ya get one." Some guy asked taking a swig of beer.

"Isnt it a little early to be drunk." I grumbled. The man stopped and bent down right in my face.

"What was that." He spit. The sent of alcohol hit my face making my eyes water.

"Ay she looks a bit young." One man commented.

"That's alright nobody will ever know anyway right darling." The guy that grabbed me said. My breath was caught in my throat I didn't know what to say or what was about the happen. The mans fingers traced my body making me shudder. My eyes screwed shut as he gripped at my body. I needed help desperately. I felt his ruff hands grip my hips making me scream in fear. A hand slapped over my mouth.

"Please, stop." I begged through the hand. They just laughed. As the man sent kisses up my legs. I heard a slight riping sound and then a breeze on my back. I screamed again even louder so someone could hear through my muffled hand. I felt the pressure begin released as the man went to unbuckle his belt. I kicked the mans dick and tried to run but someone caught my arms pulling me back. I noticed Richie and Stan walking out of Freeses.

"STAN, RICHIE HELP!" I screamed. The two looked around. I know Stan noticed me because frowns were placed on their faces. They started to run over as the man slammed me against the wall. The hit was making me lose consciousness. The last thing I saw was the man being pulled off of me before I blacked out.

When I awoke I was in my bed, Richie and Stan right next to me.

"W-What happened." I croaked. Richie gripped my hand.

"We got them off, thankfully." Stan told me.

"Yeah they were trying-"

"I know." I said smiling sadly. "Thank you." They nodded. A knock sounded at my bedroom door. We looked at the door. Bill stood their a sad expression on his face. A tear fell down my cheek.

"We'll be downstairs." Stan said following Richie out the door. I sat up. Bill walked in and sat with me on my bed.

"Bill." Was all I said before he pulled me into a hug. I sat there and cried. My tears soaking the back of Bills shirt. Bill sat there stroking my hair whispering that it would be okay.

After awhile Bill asked me if I was okay enough to go downstairs. I wasn't okay not by a long shot but I Stan and Richie were waiting for me. I nodded gripping Bills hand. We walked downstairs my mom sat on the chair next to Richie and Stan on the couch. Tears were falling down her face. I assumed they told her and Bill. When they noticed me my mom stood up. I let go of the safety of Bill and let my mom pull me into a hug.

"Im so sorry baby." She whispered.

"What's going on." My dads voice rang though the house.

"Daddy." I said running into his arms. "Some people tired to take advantage of me this morning." I said to him quietly. His smile fell as his eyes clouded over. He held me tight in his arms.

"You gonna be okay." He asked.

"Eventually." I whispered. My mom joined our hug and then soon Bill, Stan and Richie. We stood in the living room for a while tears falling down our cheeks. I knew no matter how bad things seemed now they would eventually get better.

A/n This is a very emotional chapter for Cheryl and her character growth. I just want you to know that this topic isn't something you guys shouldn't take lightly. This is a real problem and my heart goes out to anyone suffering any type of abuse. I love you all.


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