Part 4

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"FRIENDSHIP". The word kept our ARSHI in the string. Khushi never missed the chance in wishing him in WhatsApp every day. Arnav woke up with her Good Morning and slept with Good night. Some interesting forward messages and information were shared between them. Khushi sends some humorous message to make him smile. But she doesn't know her message itself was enough to make him smile. Arnav always replies to her no matter what. He sends her something related to her subject MATH. They hardly met, but Khushi met him whenever she comes to the Temple.

Arnav saw Khushi going inside the Temple. He stiffened. He took his receiver and ordered some cakes and tea. He knows however she will come. But for his disappointment, she didn't come to the shop. When she came out of the Temple a man came in front of her and asked her to sit on the bike. Without any choice, she sat and waved her hands towards Arnav and left. SHYAM. Her brother. He was familiar with his rude behavior. He has many ENEMIES in this city, everything because of his friends. He will be the first person to help if his friends were in trouble no matter what. He won't think of the consequence. Seems like today also he has done something. So in the protective manner, he was securing his sister.

Arnav was aware of these things. In fact, everyone knows. He saw some guys are hurrying in bike. They must be searching for Shyam. Arnav was nervous. What if something happened to Khushi? Did she reach safe? He wanted to call her. But she was with Shyam. Arnav never peeps into someone's matter but today he wants to know what the matter is.

He saw the teenage boy bringing his order which he did for Khushi. The boy kept it on the table and gave him a bill.

Boy: Bhiya, Close the shop as much earlier as possible. Something may happen.

Arnav: What may happen? He asked pretending.

Boy was very much interesting to derive it to Arnav. He was happy that he knows the matter before someone.

Boy: Shyam Bhai helped Aman Bhai's sister to elope with her boyfriend. So Aman Bhai was angry on Shyam Bhai. Didn't you see Shyam Bhai picked his sister up few minutes before?

Arnav didn't replay. He gave money to the boy and called Khushi. She didn't pick the call which made him panic. He shut the shop and returns back to home as he couldn't let his shop to be broken.

The first thing that he did was to call Khushi again. This time she picked it in second ring itself.

Arnav: Khushi, are you ok? Did you reach home safely?

Khushi: Yes, Arnav.

Arnav: I saw your brother taking you with him.

Khushi: And also saw someone searching for my brother. Right?

Arnav: Mmm.

Khushi: so you got panic.

Arnav: Mm.

Khushi: I'm safe Arnav. Relax.

Arnav: yah. Take care. Bye.

Khushi: Arnav...

He stopped.

Khushi: It feels so good that you are concern for me. Thank you.

Arnav: I'm. Always. He cuts the call in relief.

She is safe. That is what he wanted to confirm.

Laxmi Narayan School

Some of the Laxmi Narayan School staff who knew Arnav was surprised seeing him in front of their School. They could say, he was waiting for someone. Some of them knew "who" was that someone.

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